Bitcoin block size debate highlights

Where it gets more complex is when it comes to vision: Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here A well rounded summary, meanwhile, Earthport went public with complete Ripple Gateway integration as their 3rd option of fast, faster, fastest for global cross-border payments methods for institutional and banking customers. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email.

You are commenting using your Facebook account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Is it primarily a currency or a general-purpose ledger? Your job is to figure out all the ways something could fail, and fix it.

You are commenting using your WordPress. Posted under Bitcoinbitcoin xtblock sizegovernance. Better not do it just yet. So you pick the biggest one, fix it and move on.

A well rounded summary, meanwhile, Earthport went public with complete Ripple Gateway integration as their 3rd option of fast, faster, fastest for global cross-border payments methods for institutional and banking customers. But, on the other side, is a somewhat different culture, one that comes from a world where there are problems everywhere you look and they all need fixing. There are, bitcoin block size debate highlights all, usually no good solutions, just compromises. Before we even debate the appropriate growth rate of the block size, there is the problem that people disagree about what bitcoin is even for.

Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Is it primarily a currency or a general-purpose ledger? And so, the engineering discussions get lost in the sound of people talking past each other or, worse, resorting to ad hominem arguments. Standard Posted by gendal.

Posted under Bitcoinbitcoin xtblock sizegovernance. Gideon for me you hit the point, Bitcoin remain an experiment, and bitcoin block size debate highlights delicate one. Before we even debate the appropriate growth rate of the block size, there is the problem that people disagree about what bitcoin is even for. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! You are commenting using your Twitter account.

I find it immensely helpful in keeping up with much of the day-to-debate debate. Neither use case has yet proven itself outside a small niche of tinkerers, tin-hatters and criminals. You are commenting using your WordPress.

I have no particular insight into where this will go or which vision of the future will prevail. Your job is to figure out all the ways something could fail, and fix it. Gideon for me you hit the point, Bitcoin remain an bitcoin block size debate highlights, and a delicate one. Is it primarily a currency or a general-purpose ledger?