Bitcoin cash tip bots are making rounds across social media

For the moment, there are some bitcoin cash tip bots are making rounds across social media bitcoin BCH failover bots for transferring micropayments between Reddit users, Twitter feeds and Telegram conversations. In recent months, the BCH community has used two micro-switch bots that can transfer the BCH to these three platforms. The bot tippr has distributed thousands of BCH since its creation on both platforms. In terms of reception, some users of the bitcoin community have benefited from Tippr's services.

Another bitcoin cash tip bots are making rounds across social media, Telegram, is one of the most popular instant messaging applications in the world. Recently, the platform announced the accumulation of million monthly active users. A large portion of Telegram users are cryptocurrency promoters and there is a wide range of different channels and digital currency groups. In addition, Telegram has many tools that crypto-enthusiasts use on the platform to get news bots and automated Twitter and Reddit feeds.

The bot works fine on the instant messaging application and the bot offers a list of commands like "repository", "tipbch", "balance", and more. Brekken details that users should keep only a small amount of funds on the bot as there could be a loss of BCH if there was a bug. Brekken states on the report that the software is "very experimental and may lead to a loss of funds. Bitcoin cash supporters believe that platforms like these will definitely spread adoption by showing how easy and cheap it is to send BCH.

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An Australian company, ac3, is accredited to provide infrastructure-as-a-service inside GovDC data centres and to work with the NSW Department of Justice, which awarded the tender. Buddi selected ac3 to run the tracking service. But documents obtained by The Register using a freedom of information request revealed 96 minutes of downtime in Octobertwo hours of downtime in Januaryfive hours in September and 12 minutes in November Ac3 declined to comment on the outages, the nature of the 3PAE defects or their remediation efforts.

The Register understands that the issues may be similar to the problems that caused prolonged and embarrassing outages at the Australian Taxation Office ATO.

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