Bitcoin dead cat bounce pictures

I am extremely bullish on cryto currencies in the long term. Don't mistake this post as trying to spread fear. This isn't my first rodeo. I saw my parents get smashed in the dot com bubble and have studied what happened in that bubble.

I had money in the stock market when it collapsed in during the real estate bubble. I first found out about Bitcoin in late and ultimately I lived through the crypto nuclear winter of The Bitcoin Cash scenario was the one main difference.

Four days ago I made the bitcoin dead cat bounce pictures statement that this boom cycle was likely over. I texted that to steve-mcclair. That was before the last few days of brutal drops. Check out the date on my text. I know the feeling of not knowing how long a run will go on.

There is no real way to tell a lot of times. These booms in all sectors tend to go on way longer than expected. The rise of the stock market, real estate, and this cryto boom cycle have all honestly lasted longer than I expected them to.

Focusing on the crypto market my main concern with Bitcoin was that there were all types of scaling issues. As far as celebrities scenarios or crazy things that happened it honestly feels exactly the same for me when you take a step back and take a look at it.

It was exciting and it went "main stream. Bitcoin dead cat bounce pictures I get it, volumes are way up and institutional money has been coming in and all that and that is why the price is higher. Each boom cycle will go higher for the coins that can keep people's attention. A lot of coins will fall by the wayside and the top 20 and top will look way different in a couple of years. I think it could have been but then suddenly we had the Bitcoin Cash situation and everyone wanted to hold or to buy Bitcoin to get their "free money.

With all the uncertainty from China whether crypto exchanges will be legal or not has a lot of people worried. There was always news in Russia and China as if it bitcoin dead cat bounce pictures going to be outlawed.

Then we had the Mt. Then MintPal went down. There was tons of good news going on at that time as well. Merchant acceptance was rising and PayPal even signed a partnership with Coinbase and a few other companies in the crypto space. The Bitcoin Football Bowl game was coming up. There were all kind of exciting things but the price kept sliding. Cryto has had a great run and people are going to take profits and try to avoid drops when there is bad news. The big drops like this crush the little guys who bitcoin dead cat bounce pictures the money in the next couple of months to pay bills.

A lot of the people getting in lately are people who just don't bitcoin dead cat bounce pictures to miss out and think they might get rich or at least make a bunch of money in a couple weeks or a month before their bills are due. Everything is so debt based these days that people don't even own their cell phones, cars, homes They need the money for the bills.

They fold one by one. A lot of people getting in recently don't know how to transfer coins, they don't understand what it is, they just think they can make a quick buck and do see potential in the general premise of it.

YES, but it will be tough. It will happen very fast and if the price targets are off slightly bitcoin dead cat bounce pictures can get dropped on your head. It is extremely risky. I wouldn't try to short Bitcoin because there is always that chance it could turn around and head to a new high but I think that is unlikely.

Experience, History, Long Term Charts, The amount of dumb money entering the market, the amount of scams popping up, and my gut feeling. Once again I'm very bullish on the crypto space over the long term.

These drops can be extremely vicious and I don't want to see people get washed out. It will happen to a lot of people. It is a tough thing bitcoin dead cat bounce pictures do and sounds cliche but crypto money has to be money that if you lose it all it doesn't effect your current life at all. I don't follow that rule sometimes but I don't have any kids or anyone who depends on me. I went big if nothing else! This post probably won't get a lot of upvotes and people will think it is "negative".

Hopefully this was helpful to someone. This isn't financial or investment advice. I'm just some guy who swims around in his pool and talks to himself.

Ask your grandma or someone in a suit for advice or make your own decision. Thank you for reading my post and please consider following me brianphobos. I've been thinking the same thing last month. I've been in this space since and remember all the pain like it was yesterday.

I do sympathize with bitcoin dead cat bounce pictures experiencing this for the first time. This is honestly one of the best posts I've read on Steemit - deep analysis based on yer best knowledge, and honest - 'gut feeling' - I like that! Let's face it if the world's leading economists couldn't predict the financial crash of 10 years ago, bitcoin dead cat bounce pictures the hell knows what crypto's gonna do! I'm only a very cautious crypto investor, in BTC etc.

Thank you for your comment! This blog post won't do as well as a lot of other people who just say. So I appreciate that you like the post for sharing my real feelings and what I'm seeing out there. So for BTC the block times are each 10 minutes.

Also with BTC there are traction fees the way they have the incentive structure set up. A social network like this requires a lot of input and outputs for comments, posts, votes Something like this couldn't be done on the Bitcoin, or Litecoin blockchains.

Yes that helps thanks, inspires me to look deeper - part of the reason I invested a few squid in crypto is to make learning about it more interesting! And yer right, 'depth posts' seem to have little value on Steemit, which is a fundamental problem with the model, unless the creators are Lyotardian cynics viz 'knowledge' which I imagine they probably are in which case the platform reflects the value of knowledge perfectly - fickle as it is! Thank you for that info!

I heard the same prediction a month ago or so. Bitcoin dead cat bounce pictures I could not belive it. Now it looks like more possible scenario. I just feel it and with this China situation there are bitcoin dead cat bounce pictures to be more and more Bitcoins being off loaded most likely because the news just came out and then all these week hands in other parts of the world fold and can't take the pressure and it can tumble fast.

But the thing is, that we have no public in BTC and the crypto in whole. There is no big institutions bitcoin dead cat bounce pictures deep into market yet. I wouldn't say we don't have any public in BTC. Signups at Coinbase have been going bitcoin dead cat bounce pictures. People flooding onto these platforms who don't really know what Bitcoin is or how to transfer it.

They just think they can get rich off of it and don't want to miss out. Thank you for reply. I am not saying we do not have them at all. But for now it is relatively low amount. I do not know that any pension fund bought BTC.

And if you going to ask people about bitcoin most of them know nothing about it. And if we have JP Morgan in, that makes even more possibilities for manipulations. I get what you are saying. The general population has very little exposure or knowledge of what this is. I could go down my whole street and bitcoin dead cat bounce pictures no one would know what Bitcoin is. I agree with you and my analysis tells me that Bitcoin could go down to around USD before it starts going up again.

According to my technical analysis we could see a rebound from current levelsmay be bitcoin dead cat bounce pictures to and then it will go down again. That is the short term. On the medium term we could be completing Elliot Wave 4 which means that only Wave 5 left before a long term bear market starts which with Fibonacci analysis takes us down to Here is my technical analysis https: Thank you and I'm glad that other people are seeing a similar thing.

There are so many of the people on the trending page that just say "Buy the dips" "Great time to buy" etc. That is a very bold statement and backed up by facts. What will it do from there? I agree the profit-taking would be over at that point so a run makes a lot of sense.

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