Bitcoin getwork response card

I started mining on GUIMiner for you guys! How and when will bitcoins be payed out to me? Of course just about everything else has changed since I joined. But the one thing that won't change is this is to help support the site and be contests for the miners. Well I'm down for that. How can I make sure that I'm in the contests then?

WIll I automatically be entered bitcoin getwork response card I've been mining? Now I guess its based on amount of time you've mined and how much work you've done. From what I hear. The division of funds is working a bit more complicatedly now. Basically, that username and login info and stuff tells guiminer to send it all to one wallet. That wallet is Logan's wallet. Then, Logan will pretty much decide what to do with the money. As for contests, all entries are calculated automatically, so you are dont have to manually enter or anything.

The entries are calculated based on both how many shares and how much time you've spent mining. It's a bit complicated but the more you mine, the more entries you get. If you still get the error, go back to Then, try reinstalling guiminer, because sometimes it gets bugged and you can't really fix it. Nope, that explains it! Bitcoin getwork response card teksyndicate mining team is relatively new, so I think I'm in good shape bitcoin getwork response card Actually, I do have one more question.

I've heard bitcoin getwork response card few on the Tek but not many. Is that where they will be? Well there are a number of ways, though your card won't be getting much better rates unless you get a better card. I hoped this helped if you have any more problems hop on our mumble server, where if you want you can discuss and problems or inquiries you have.

Thanks for the interest and good luck! BETA's have always been stable for me asides one not letting me bitcoin getwork response card minecraft for whatever reason. I downloaded bitcoin qt after downloading and running minner, I need some advice do I need do any thing for these programes to talk to each other, if not how do I know they are both working, I new bit coins and do not anything so any help most gratefully recieved.

Ok Bitcoin qt is your wallet what you want to do is let it sync with your computer and miner. Most of bitcoin getwork response card instruction are on the main forums here:. Both bitcoin getwork response card tell what you need to do, though I will help explain. Open up Bitcoin qt your wallet and automatically it will start to sync, there will be a green bar that will slowly but surely progress. Though once you get you account from our simple 1 click system, you can start mining immidiatly, letting the wallet sync will let you mine at optimal performance so make sure to update it once in a while, just by opening it and letting it sync.

The second link I gave you will explain what you need to do to sign up and what information is needed to get GUIminer running. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask bitcoin getwork response card you can hop on our mumble server and ask me or any other admins for help. From there, if you have everything already downloaded and synced then you can just take with the information they give you from the pool website and get mining!

Now I am getting "Unexpected error. Once you have downloaded mumble you can use this to find our server:. So far everyones been automaticlly entered into all contests I've seen. Let me know if you still have any more questions. One of them should work. If they don't, let me know and i'll give you some more things to try. Most of the instruction are on the main forums here: Well what card do you have and I can tell you or you can go here: You are good to go!

Once you have downloaded mumble you can use this to find our server: Choose what bitcoin getwork response card want It's pretty active right now if you have any questions or if you just want to hang out! When I try and start mining I get this error. Listener for "Default" started Listener for "Default" shutting down.

Only top voted, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Tag Info users hot new synonyms. Hot answers tagged getwork day week month year all. Protocols for use between mining clients and mining pool servers. Only the block header and first transaction generation transaction are included.

Bitcoin getwork response card uses the least bandwidth of all the protocols. Stratum also makes it bitcoin getwork response card fast and efficient to switch to new work data when there is a block change, which can help keep Haribo 5, 10 31 How does one mine Namecoins? What is the extraNonce? This really helped me understand it: A solo miner increments Nonce until it overflows. Then it increments extraNonce and resets Nonce. Geremia 2, 1 19 Some miners instead modify nTime slightly to give them more nonce space.

There is no extraNonce field in blocks or transactions. In Getwork, how does one calculate the value of Hash1? FormatHashBlocks puts a 0x80 right after the 32 zero bytes, and a 4 byte bit count at the end 00 00 01 00, meaning bits.

When there were no pools, all of the first mining clients interfaced directly with Bitcoin. Getting work from a pool is the same as getting work from Bitcoin. Do pool servers communicate with bitcoind, and in what capacity? At this point a single ASIC device can completely swamp a bitcoind with requests as they're able to exhaust the 32bit nonce in a fraction of a second.

Anonymous 4 6. How do I keep my miners from doing duplicate work? My understanding of the mining mechanism is this: The miner connects to a Bitcoin client or pool and submits a getwork request The client or pool responds with a chunk of data containing the block data, including the randomized bits, and the nonce the bit which the miner changes The miner increments the nonce multiple times until it either finds a The miner you are using does not support the stratum protocol.

The number of transactions in the header is always zero, per the specification. The -gen option has no effect on the getwork RPC call. I'm not sure what you think is wrong with that information, but if it's just the zero transaction count, that's always that way. If it's the fact that you only get the headers you need to hash, it's always that way.

Getwork - can the miner increment timestamp? Yes, the miner can increment the time stamp by a limited amount, but only if the pool advertises X-Roll-NTime as a feature. DiabloMiner and CGMiner both support this. See the official spec for more information. Diablo-D3 2 8. How does a miner perform hashing? This question is a complicated one, but I'll see what I can do to answer it. Also, I won't try tackling the issue of endianness, as bitcoin getwork response card the case of Bitcoin it gives me a headache First, lets see what we have in a block header given to us by getwork.

Lets take the Genesis Block for an example. How does the rate of getwork requests correlate with the hashrate bitcoin getwork response card a miner? The standard getwork protocol forces the miner to send a new request every second. If the miner can solve Could many large forks cause a DoS attack on the miner?

If you mean a miner as in a computer that only does mining, it should be generally as resistant to DOS attacks as any casual computer on the network - it doesn't open its ports. If you are worried about a standard bitcoin getwork response card being flooded with many blocks and having to store it - the bitcoin getwork response card did think of that and they put in the checkpoint system. Bitcoin pool and getwork data validity.

The GetWork request includes only the block header, containing exactly the fields shown here and no others. This is all the miner ever sees. Notice that the transactions are not in the block header -- bitcoin getwork response card their Merkle hash. The miner doesn't actually know what transactions it is mining.

The pool checks that the block header of the submitted work What options are there to combine mining over multiple computers? You can run as few or bitcoin getwork response card many Bitcoin clients as you want. You can have them all pull from the same client, or you can have each miner pull from its own client. Just remember, the mined coins will go to the wallet of the client the miner pulled the work unit from. Example accepted getwork function input and output?

On testnet I get the following dump: Pre-requisites for calling Getwork. Most miners now use Stratum, but the old getwork protocol isn't completely gone yet. You can see what the data looks like here: It's an RPC-style interface, Unable to execute getwork logic in java. It was deprecated and then superceded by the getblocktemplate RPC call. Bitcoin getwork response card looks like the pool that you are using uses an unspecified protocol. I figured this out by digging Mining software not using Json-RPC?

Jeff Garzik wrote a binary protocol for pushpool originally. BitPenny uses a proprietary protocol to get p2pool-like benefits.

Luke-Jr 1, 5 There is no advantage to "pooling" solo miners. Simply install the client and a miner on each machine. Point the miner at the local client and start mining. DeathAndTaxes 7, 1 25 By default a bitcoin node does not hand out duplicate getworks. Neither do any of the mining pools.

So you don't need to do anything special, just point your miners at some source of work units, either a pool or your own instance of bitcoin, and off you go. Most pools define their target value minimum value required to earn a "share"as: How soon does bitcoind incorporate locally solved blocks into its 'getwork' output? But there is no "right after that".

Anything can happen bitcoin getwork response card two requests to bitcoind. The responses you get from bitcoind represent a snapshot in time. In between two requests there could be a block reorganization causing not only your new block to be orphaned, but several blocks back in the chain Bitcoin won't wait for its bitcoin getwork response card I'm not sure whether it's safe to say that the second RPC call will always reflect the existence of the new block, though, since Bitcoin is threaded and things might not be done in the exact order you expect.

You POST to the mining pool or the bitcoind client: What are midstate and hash1 used for in mining? Generally, it is used to write the result of the mining over to be sent to the pool. This is to ensure the result is of correct length and adheres to some rules. In practice, it is bitcoin getwork response card the same trailing string of numbers.

Pools bitcoin getwork response card measure mining rate by how many times a client calls GetWork. They measure mining rate by how many shares are submitted.

A share is just like a normal block solution, except that it is million times easier to find. If you don't mine, you don't find shares. Should I use getwork or getblocktemplate. The advantage of getblocktemplate is that work units from it last longer, because you can change the extraNonce field. That's nice if you're writing an fpga miner, because it saves bandwidth.