Bitcoin illegal in china

Meanwhile, India's government warned this month it would not recognize cyber-cash as legal tender, and signaled an outright ban on the use of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies for illegal purposes and within the country's payment system.

In the US, the authorities have been relatively gentler, however, have begun measures to shut down dodgy ICOs and bring charges against cryptocurrency scammers.

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On 8 January , the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury addressed bitcoin in the Legislative Council stating that "Hong Kong at present has no legislation directly regulating bitcoins and other virtual currencies of [a] similar kind.

However, our existing laws such as the Organised and Serious Crimes Ordinance provide sanctions against unlawful acts involving bitcoins, such as fraud or money laundering. He also decided that bitcoins will not be regulated by HKMA. However, the authority will be closely watching the usage of bitcoins locally and its development overseas. Japan officially recognizes bitcoin and digital currencies as a "means of payment that is not a legal currency" see Article of Japans's Payment Services Act PSA 25 May On 7 March , the Japanese government, in response to a series of questions asked in the National Diet, made a cabinet decision on the legal treatment of bitcoins in the form of answers to the questions.

The decision also acknowledges that there are no laws to unconditionally prohibit individuals or legal entities from receiving bitcoins in exchange for goods or services. Taxes may be applicable to bitcoins. According to Nikkei Asian Review , in February , "Japanese financial regulators have proposed handling virtual currencies as methods of payment equivalent to conventional currencies". The city of Hirosaki is officially accepting bitcoin donations with the goal of attracting international tourists and financing local projects.

While not illegal in the country, Korean authorities will prosecute illegal activity involving bitcoin [88] and have indicted at least one individual for purchasing drugs with bitcoin. There are no laws in South Korea regulating the use of bitcoin at present. South Korea On 12 December , the president of the Bank of Korea recommended at a press conference that bitcoin be regulated in the future.

Bitcoin ATMs are banned here [7]: Taiwan but bitcoins can be purchased at over convenience store kiosks. Regulators have warned the public that bitcoin does not have legal protection, "as the currency is not issued by any monetary authority and is therefore not entitled to legal claims or guarantee of conversion". While bitcoin is not illegal in Taiwan, financial institutions have been warned by regulators that necessary regulatory actions may be taken if they use it. On 6 December , Perng Fai-nan said that bitcoin is only used in certain communities.

Besides, he also opined that the value of bitcoin is a bubble and is highly volatile. Therefore, he advised the public against the speculation of bitcoins to prevent making a loss during the process.

The central bank is closely watching the development of bitcoin and plan to impose regulations in the future. It is stated that bitcoins remains highly volatile, highly speculative, and is not entitled to legal claims or guarantee of conversion.

However, despite this, three of the four major convenience store chains in Taiwan make available purchases of bitcoin through their kiosk systems, [97] and the largest chain now allows bitcoin to be used for purchases of goods.

There are no regulations related to the use of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in Cambodia. The National Bank has stated that cryptocurrencies are illegal in Cambodia and has instructed commercial banks in the country not to accept bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies in financial transactions. On 7 December , Bank Indonesia , the country's central bank, issued a regulation banning the use of cryptocurrencies including bitcoin as payment tools starting 1 January However other activities such as bitcoin trading and mining remain not covered by the regulation.

On 4 November , Bank Negara Malaysia BNM met with local bitcoin proponents to learn more about the currency but did not comment at the time. The central bank will not regulate bitcoin operations at the moment and users should aware of the risks associated with bitcoin usage.

On 4 October , BNM announced that The decision on whether cryptocurrencies should be banned in Malaysia will be taken by them before the end of the year. Recently virtual currencies were legalized and cryptocurrency exchanges are now regulated by Central Bank of the Philippines Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas under Circular []. In December , the Monetary Authority of Singapore reportedly stated that "[w]hether or not businesses accept bitcoins in exchange for their goods and services is a commercial decision in which MAS does not intervene.

On 22 September , the Monetary Authority of Singapore MAS warned users of the risks associated with using bitcoin stating "If bitcoin ceases to operate, there may not be an identifiable party responsible for refunding their monies or for them to seek recourse" [] and in December stated "Whether or not businesses accept Bitcoins in exchange for their goods and services is a commercial decision in which MAS does not intervene" [] In January , the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore issued a series of tax guidelines according to which bitcoin transactions may be treated as a barter exchange if it is used as a payment method for real goods and services.

Businesses that deal with bitcoin currency exchanges will be taxed based on their bitcoin sales. The initial position of the Bank of Thailand, mid , was to discourage the use of bitcoin, however as of [update] , the Bank of Thailand is open to bitcoin provided proper controls are in place.

Thai based bitcoin exchanges can only exchange Digital Currencies for Thai Baht and are required to operate with a Thailand Business Development Department e-commerce license. In cases where an ICO constitutes offering of securities, the issuer will need to comply with applicable regulatory requirements [].

As of February the Thai central bank has prohibited financial institutions in the country from five key cryptocurrency activities []. These include 1 Investing or trading in cryptocurrency 2 Exchanging cryptocurrencies 3 Creating platforms for cryptocurrency trading 4 Allowing clients to use credit cards to buy cryptocurrencies 5 Advising customers on cryptocurrency investing and trading.

The Thai government is expected to introduce regulatory framework in early but stated that "The government will not ban cryptocurrnecy trading. Trading in bitcoin in Vietnam is still unrestricted and unregulated by law, and two largest bitcoin markets in Vietnam - VBTC and Bitcoin Vietnam are working without being restricted. In August , Vietnam's prime minister has approved a plan that could see the country formally recognize bitcoin as a form of payment by the end of The State Bank of Vietnam has declared that the issuance, supply and use of bitcoin and other similar virtual currency is illegal as a mean of payment and subject to punishment ranging from million to million VND, [] but the government doesn't ban bitcoin trading as a virtual goods or assets.

Although not considered to be an official form of currency, earnings are subject to tax law. On 6 December , the Croatian National Bank reportedly conducted a discussion on the circulation of digital currencies and concluded that bitcoin is not illegal in Croatia. Bitcoin trading does not require authorization by the Czech National Bank and the Czech National Bank cannot grant such an authorization On 19 August , the German Finance Ministry announced that bitcoin is now essentially a "unit of account" and can be used for the purpose of tax and trading in the country, meaning that purchases made with it must pay VAT as with Euro transactions.

It is not classified as a foreign currency or e—money but stands as "private money" which can be used in "multilateral clearing circles", according to the ministry. The use of bitcoin in Poland is not regulated by a legal act at present.

They added that trading virtual currencies in Poland does not violate national or EU law, however, having virtual "currencies", involves many risks: Financial institutions should be cautious about engaging and cooperating with virtual currency "trading" entities. As of March , an official statement of the Romanian National Bank mentioned that "using digital currencies as payment has certain risks for the financial system". In October , the National Fiscal Administration Agency ANAF declared that there is a lack of a legislative framework around bitcoin, and therefore, it is unable to create a tax regulation framework for it as well implying no taxation.

The National Bank of Slovakia NBS , stated [] that bitcoin does not have the legal attributes of a currency, and therefore does not fall under national control. At the same time NBS points out that any legal person or natural person in the Slovak Republic shall not issue any notes or any other coins. Unlawful manufacturing of banknotes and coins and putting them into circulation is punishable by law.

In this context, NBS points out that virtual currencies have not a physical counterpart in the form of legal tender and participation in such a scheme virtual currency is at your own risk. Exchanges or purchases of virtual currencies represent the business risk of investors and investors' money are not protected.

For any compensation of losses caused by such exchanges or purchases there is no legal entitlement. On 23 December the Slovenian Ministry of Finance made an announcement [] stating that bitcoin is neither a currency nor an asset. Bitcoin businesses in Switzerland are subject to anti-money laundering regulations and in some instances may need to obtain a banking license.

In response to the parliament postulates, the Swiss Federal Council issued a report on virtual currencies in June In , Zug added bitcoin as a means of paying city fees, in a test and an attempt to advance Zug as a region that is advancing future technologies. The use of bitcoins is not regulated in Ukraine. As of [update] , FSA says that doing business with bitcoin does not fall under its regulatory authority and therefore FSA does not prevent anyone from opening such businesses.

In Estonia, the use of bitcoins is not regulated or otherwise controlled by the government. The Estonian Ministry of Finance have concluded that there is no legal obstacles to use bitcoin-like crypto currencies as payment method. Traders must therefore identify the buyer when establishing business relationship or if the buyer acquires more than 1, euros of the currency in a month. The Finnish Tax Administration has issued instructions for the taxation of virtual currencies, including the bitcoin.

Finland [] Rather than a currency or a security, a bitcoin transaction is considered a private contract equivalent to a contract for difference for tax purposes. Purchases of goods with bitcoin or conversion of bitcoin into legal currency "realizes" the value and any increase in price will be taxable; however, losses are not tax-deductible. Mined bitcoin is considered earned income. This is because the court classified bitcoins as payment instruments - whereas most countries treat their use as an unregulated method for the exchange of goods, or even as a crime.

According to a opinion, from the Central Bank of Iceland "there is no authorization to purchase foreign currency from financial institutions in Iceland or to transfer foreign currency across borders on the basis of transactions with virtual currency.

For this reason alone, transactions with virtual currency are subject to restrictions in Iceland. On 12 March , the Central Bank amended its rules. With the new rules, wide and general exemptions have been granted from the restrictions of the Foreign Exchange Act No. Bank of Lithuania released a warning on 31 January , that bitcoin is not recognized as legal tender in Lithuania and that bitcoin users should be aware of high risks that come with the usage of it.

The Norwegian Tax Administration stated in December that they don't define bitcoin as money but regard it as an asset. Profits are subjected to wealth tax.

In business, use of bitcoin falls under the sales tax regulation. The Norwegian government stated in February that they would not levy VAT on the purchase or sale of bitcoin. As of November declared, bitcoins are "not illegal" according to the Federal Tax Service of Russia. The decision has been appealed by the Swedish Tax Authority. The Swedish jurisdiction is in general quite favorable for bitcoin businesses and users as compared to other countries within the EU and the rest of the world.

The governmental regulatory and supervisory body Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority Finansinspektionen have legitimized the fast growing industry by publicly proclaiming bitcoin and other digital currencies as a means of payment.

There is not a single word in Bulgarian laws about bitcoin. No specific legislation on bitcoins exists in Greece. Italy does not regulate bitcoin use by private individuals. As of [update] , Malta does not have any regulations specifically pertaining to bitcoins.

Paying in crypto is not legal in Macedonia and using digital money is discouraged by the National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia. Bitcoin operation in our country will be sanctioned. Bitcoin is basically a speculative currency, which makes investment in it extremely risky. The responsible person in the legal entity or sole proprietor in the territory of The Republic of Macedonia shall carry out, in its own name and on its own account, as well as for another person legal or physical payment or payment into effective foreign currency contrary to the provisions of this Law, shall be sentenced to imprisonment of six months to five years.

In Macedonia so far only one company has announced that it is working with bitcoin, and there is also a failed initiative to start using it in restaurants and cafes. Bitcoin has no specific legal framework in Portugal.

Transactions in bitcoins are subject to the same laws as barter transactions. The Minister of Finance indicated that government intervention with regard to the bitcoin system does not appear necessary at the present time. The French Ministry of Finance issued regulations on 11 July pertaining to the operation of virtual currency professionals, exchanges, and taxation. The Central Bank of Ireland was quoted in the Assembly of Ireland as stating that it does not regulate bitcoins.

The Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier has issued a communication in February acknowledging the status of currency to the bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. As of [update] , virtual currencies such as bitcoin do not fall within the scope of the Act on Financial Supervision of the Netherlands.

Bitcoin is treated as 'private money'. When bitcoin is exchanged for sterling or for foreign currencies, such as euro or dollar, no VAT will be due on the value of the bitcoins themselves. However, in all instances, VAT will be due in the normal way from suppliers of any goods or services sold in exchange for bitcoin or other similar cryptocurrency. Profits and losses on cryptocurrencies are subject to capital gains tax.

In December , the governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia RBA indicated in an interview about bitcoin legality stating, "There would be nothing to stop people in this country deciding to transact in some other currency in a shop if they wanted to.

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand states: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For a broader coverage related to this topic, see Bitcoin. This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page. Accessed 25 September Retrieved 25 February Court of Justice of the European Union. Retrieved 6 December Retrieved 23 October Retrieved 5 March Market, economics and regulation" PDF. European Parliamentary Research Service. Bitcoin regulation or plans therefor in selected countries.

Retrieved 18 February Retrieved 8 July Guidance for a risk-based approach. Retrieved 6 March Retrieved 30 October South African Reserve Bank. Retrieved 11 June Sandra Appel A security Agreement for Bitcoin: Retrieved 5 September Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.

Retrieved 1 June Retrieved 22 April Banco Central de Costa Rica. Trinidad and Tobago Guardian. Retrieved 23 February Banco Central do Brasil.

Retrieved 17 November Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia. Retrieved 20 October Banco Central del Ecuador. Retrieved 22 October International Finance Centre Development Agency.

National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic. Retrieved 13 February Retrieved 6 July Retrieved 21 August Retrieved 17 July Retrieved 17 June Turkish Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency. How close Bitcoin to be Legalized in Iran?

Retrieved 16 December We're Not Giving Up Yet". Retrieved 19 December Retrieved 8 November Archived from the original on 9 February Retrieved 6 October Retrieved 10 January Retrieved 18 January Archived from the original on Bitcoin is not Currency in Japanese ".

Retrieved 28 April Retrieved 26 February Archived from the original on 21 September Retrieved 21 September Retrieved 9 July Retrieved 17 April The central bank does not regulate it but the public is advised not to speculate on it ".

Retrieved 15 October Retrieved 5 February Retrieved 2 March Retrieved 11 January Retrieved 7 May Retrieved 27 December Retrieved 29 October Retrieved 1 November Retrieved 25 August Retrieved 19 March Retrieved 14 December Retrieved 8 August Bitcoin nie jest nielegalny".

Retrieved 18 December Retrieved 28 January