Bitcoin john mcafee

Haha, that is pretty funny. Heck, now that I think about I wouldn't hold him to that bet if bitcoin was any number by then. I used to listen to what he is saying, but stopped while ago as IMO he is just a pump and dump man! And I don't believe that bitcoin will ever be worth that much.

We all know that it is not the best coin at all. People tend to have some sentiment towards bitcoin, but those aren't worth that much. That would be really nasty!

I just hope he's right so I don't have to watch him eat something that I really don't want to see. Interesting logic he uses McAfee is a damn wild man. Still baffles me as to why he has such a following within crypto. Entertaining nonetheless and free publicity for him.

Half the time he sounds incredibly smart, the other half he sounds incredibly out there. I just hope it's the first half that is making these predictions. And tips for a new steemer? Any advice would be most appreciated: Its not that Bitcoin will gain any real value. One Bitcoin will still be one Bitcoin. Other currencies will be obsolete and worthless. What do u think jrcornel? Yeah hope he is right for his own sake: But in crypto world logic can be sometimes deceiving Just posted like 2 hours ago about John Mcaffe and his dick eating bet.

Hoping he does a livestream of it. I think he has studied the chart and figures before picking 1million. That's why he is convinced about it. That's a very odd rationale for the price of bitcoin to go up that high. No talk on the utility of the coin in relation to the other cryptos. I still think that bitcoin is doing well because of the market's appetite for risk right now. When investors run for safety like in the case of a sell-off I don't know that they would necessarily run to bitcoin.

He is wildly out, he has to be but There is always that what if he's right thing going on. I mean who among us would like to be the person who sold their 0.

It totally could be, he has a huge following and announcements like this get even more mainstream folk in a froth. Bitcoin will not be a utility, but a store of value long term. If Bitcoin can capture just 0. When the World Markets crash in the next months, and people seek out safe havens, John's forecast of Bitcoin is a very fair value of long term. The reality is that the only people running away during these little price drops are the weak handed fools that thought they could jump into a market they know nothing about and and make it rich overnight.

They have no idea what they are investing in and why. Anyone who is a true believer knows the potential of the crypto market and the value of Bitcoin being king of that market. Why is this even news? Macafe is in the crypto promotinal business now and has been for quite some time.

Well we will see that for sure! If his claims the value or his part gets vanished in the thin air ;. This is a great analysis work. Early in , what about the market, we know that. This article has been shared from our website: If the USA develops hyper-inflation, the dollar would be worth less. Increasing bitcoins value vs the dollar. Not that its purchacing power is stronger. Bitcoin is still trying to find its true value as it is still new, and probably wont until the mining phase is over.

John has the math to back up why he's saying this, his math puts it between 1. Yeah, for the original bet, he explicitly tweets that he is referring to Jihan's coin, which I assume is bitcoin cash. I'm not sure McAfee has given much consideration to the actual bodily contortions involved in such a maneuver. Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.

Take it with a pinch of salt, but I will propose this. So if hyper inflation does hit, lets look at Venezuela as an example.