Bitcoin kontoaktion

As bitcoin-qt of Bitcoin Core, bitcoind has bundled with the original client from version 0. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Can anyone offer any help? Bitcoin qt overview and Install If you got that far, is already working but probably you didn't format your command correctly.

Are you sure you didn't paste a Bitcoin address taken from the Address Book, that is, a Bitcoin address that belongs to someone else and not to you? Your addresses are listed on the "Receive Coins" separator only.

Honestly, I'm surprised that the curl command would work without my encryption password. That seems to me to be a serious security flaw if any malicious program could look up a password in bitcoin.

Are you sure there isn't a need to pass in the encryption password somehow? Sign a message with that address, please. No need to take your word for it. But looking at the blockchain. Your wallet is encrypted! You need to decrypt it before sending the commands And given that there is no bitcoind on Mac I don't know of a way for you to do it on the Terminal.

This is the way to do it on linux: Oh, you need to unencrypt your wallet temporarily so it can add the new key. I do the following, so my passphrase doesn't end up in my shell history. It unlocks the wallet for 60 seconds: You need to decrypt it before sending the commands. DannyHamilton on June 25, , But one thing I can say: Well, at least not before you decrypt it. John johnthedong on June 25, , Good news and bad news. Thanks so much for your help.

Even though it worked, I got odd results. I am attempting a Remote Desktop Session. It will be from OSX For me it fails with the following error message:. Remote Desktop Connection cannot verify the identity of the computer that you want to connect to. Brief aside - Microsoft have a little note that says the 2. Who knew and why did it make me report all those crashes?

If you wish to make the old client work you can follow the steps to get Mac RDP client 2. Also note that that page does not list Windows Server at all under the "System Requirements. I would suggest using a newer client e. I don't know if this is an unsecured way of doing it but for my home network I did not mind changing the settings. I got the above from here. Once, the smartphone software I was using cut-and-pasted my Bitcoin address as a URL, which was rejected by the Bitcoin network.

A week earlier, another seller I'd met at a local Bitcoin meetup scanned a QR code on my mobile phone and tried to send the Bitcoins to that address. But it took him several tries to complete the scan and close the transaction.

It felt slightly illicit. We're sitting here at this table drinking our coffee, eating our baguettes or whatever, and the other person will hand me a wad of cash. The slightly illicit feeling to it all is part of the baggage of being a hot new alternative digital currency. Louis's Tower Grove district for nearly a year.

We'll fiddle with our phones for a minute and then we'll walk off. As the American League wins baseball's All-Star game on television, a college student — he's asked us not to identify him — waits for his Bitcoin connection. After a few minutes, a something white guy in baggy jeans and a loose hoodie comes in and orders a Tecate. Then he takes out an Android phone and puts it on his lap. The buyer takes out a envelope of cash and hands it over for counting.

Ten minutes later, the Bitcoin seller is gone, and the college student says he's going to use the 14 Bitcoins he's just picked up to buy MDMA on the Silk Road. This is his second face-to-face buy. The previous one was from a guy in his mids at a local Starbucks. He used to buy and sell on a temporarily shuttered marketplace called Bitinstant. But a few months ago, "it started to ask for too much of my information," the student says. Given the nature of his business, he wants to buy Bitcoins without being tracked.

These are the kinds of deals that have regulators worried. But if you ask state or federal regulators whether people who are trading Bitcoins in person need to register as money lenders, it's impossible to get a definitive answer.

Do the Buttonwood traders need to register as money transmitters? This is the department that sets the regulations designed to keep the crooks out of the U. Gox had a U.

But according to Hudak, some face-to-face traders probably need to register with the federal government as money transmitters. But there's no hard and fast rule about who needs to register. The difference, he says, is how serious you are about trading cash for Bitcoins. At the Buyer's Best Friend Mercato in North Beach, you can try out stone ground organic chocolate, pick up a box of Vata teabags, or pick up a two-pound bag of sprouted wheat flour.

If you want, you can buy a few Bitcoins, too. I learn about this on Localbitcoins. It's my first time in Buyer's Best Friend. Tourists looking for an early lunch walk in the sun along Columbus Avenue, mingling with locals running errands.

I step inside the tiny shop and have no idea what to do. There are packages everywhere, and yet I don't recognize a single brand. That's the store's specialty: High quality niche groceries. I walk to the cashier. She says yes, but has no idea how to sell them. Here is a comprehensive look at this rapidly expanding landscape by country.

Texas-based Coinsource , one of a growing number of companies in the Bitcoin ATM space, offers users a simple way to buy or sell bitcoins for cash through their machines.

Provide customer support at a level where the purchase or sale of bitcoins is as simple as withdrawing or depositing fiat from a traditional ATM.