Bitcoin mining investment return

Or maybe my calculations could just be off. The "cost" I used in my deduction is just calculated as part of the cell formulas. Maybe there will be another massive upward price swing and it'll be worth it. According to BitcoinWisdom, the current difficulty is ,,

So if we calculate the expected daily gross BTC income, maintenance fees, and net income we get a table that looks like the following. I started doing this research because I wanted to see if mining would actually be profitable vs investing. Bitcoin mining at Koinz Trading.

Here's what that same table looks like if you assume Bitcoin stays the same until November:. So is it worth buying a mining contract or do you invest directly into Bitcoin instead? Fortunately BitcoinWisdom provides a handy table of difficulty changes over the past couple years:. Fortunately BitcoinWisdom provides bitcoin mining investment return handy table of difficulty changes over the past couple years:

We could pick any number of mining sites, but I'm going to focus on them since they're among the more well known ones. Of course bitcoin mining investment return nothing new, but there's actually something in that data that's a bit more telling. Or maybe the difficulty won't increase as fast or it'll hit a ceiling or even decrease.

The point is that it's averaged over time. You could also use Hashing24's own mining calculator which is probably a little more accurate in this case:. Great analysis you made.

Note that the maintenance cost column is a reflection of the actual maintenance cost Hashing24 might report. Yeah that was my conclusion too, but I wanted to bitcoin mining investment return what the numbers might look like hence why I did some more digging. The problem with these calculators comes down to two factors that we already know about:

I have some more topics like this I'm considering for future write-ups, so if that's something you'd like to see more of then feel free to follow me and participate in the discussion! Yes, you have bitcoin mining investment return invest money, you need to buy hash bitcoin mining investment return in order to mine, I've used Hashflare for over 2 years now and have made thousands of dollars, the best thing to do is invest what you feel comfortable with and turn on reinvest, that's what I did. What do you think?

You remember that "BTC price est. Or do bitcoin mining investment return think my analysis is completely wrong? See, the thing is that most of them only account for those factors as they currently are, not as how they'll change in the future or impact your return over time. It makes more sense to invest in a bitcoin mining machine than in solar panels.