Bitcoin selloff continueslive breaking news coverage

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are sharply down today in yet another major sell-off. Is this a Bitcoin crash? Let us get social… Fb Site: Snapchat guiding the scenes: Today we explore the idea of doubling up and purchasing more of ripple xrp we also explore the present cryptocurrency market place. Frank Dan February 9, 1: After my wallet was linked to a special mining program i bitcoin selloff continueslive breaking news coverage seeing the results in my wallet its all most 2 weeks since then but i have mined over 8.

Edward Humphries February 9, 1: Many countries including China are making its use illegal unless you buy their own state crypto currencies. In my opinion it will never replace fiat currency due to its volatility. Banks are also banning purchases of cryptos on credit cards, the bitcoin selloff continueslive breaking news coverage of cryptos looks likely.

Norman Rand Wolfe February 9, 1: No Government will ever allow so much unregulated money being on the market. I made a killing on the first huge bitcoin crash, had never even though of having bitcoins until it was KO. Waiting to make another couple of fortunes on this crash… When it reaches I'll think of giving a huge buy other, followed by a sell order at my established price.

That's the second rule of investment, always follow a buy order with a sell order so you don't have the temptation of getting gready. Greedy people end up jumping off roofs… People like me end up making millions out of a few thousand.

Too many markets are attacking bitcoin and other cryptos permanatly, unlike in the first crash. Nic Parker February 9, 1: Bitcoin selloff continueslive breaking news coverage think I notice is Jew nose and 30 commercials. Israel is calling you bro. Be with your people ,,Lie to them please. Crypto currencies are real enemies to banks, again not a surprise for the banks banned credit card transactions for bitcoin.

Not a surprise at all that Chinese government bans the crypto currency including some other government, because the bitcoin currency is of decentralization…hahah. And someone please make a video about it. So someone who is trading etherum will usually watch the chart on gdax to strategicly place orders regardless of what exchange they are trading on.

Also, if someone buys or sells any coins on coinbase, the trade actually goes through gdax, in other words if you sell your btc on coinbase you actually dump your coin to somone who has a buy order set up on gdax, if you buy from coinbase, you buy your coins from someone who has a sell order set up on gdax. Go to the 1 minute chart on ETH. This also works on any chart but the 1 minute chart is easier to spot the obvious minipulation the quickest.

Watch the volume without changing pages or refreshing for 3 to 5 minutes. After a few minutes, notice how the volume bars of minutes you have watched blows away all the previous volume data before it that you was not watching in real time. Refresh the page, and watch the super high volume you just witnessed that signified a bullish turn around, shrink down to nothing signifing a bearish downtrend continuation.

Realize the charts are fake, quit shorting it, buy back the ETH,and transfer it out of the exchange to your ledger nano before the same assholes that are spoofing the data take the exchange down, bitcoin selloff continueslive breaking news coverage a hacker or tax evasion and steal all your cryptos.

Atomic February 9, 1: MD Paul February 9, 1: Brian axb February 9, 1: Ethercruiser1 February 9, 1: As the US Dollar loses credibility, where will people turn to? Will they return to BitCoin, or something else? Dustin Cordell February 9, 1: NYCguy February 9, 1: I mean it was kinda biased toward the negative…. Felix Felixsen February 9, 1: The trust and confidence in crypto currency is over. To slow, to advanced, to volatile to do any good bitcoin selloff continueslive breaking news coverage.

Jimbo Jones February 9, 1: Maybe you missed today's biggest Dow Jones stock market point crash in the history of the Dow Jones. The government of the world are going to try to scare everyone out of bitcoin. Problem is they can affect the volatility but not bitcoin selloff continueslive breaking news coverage overall trend. Only idiots are bitcoin selloff continueslive breaking news coverage to lose their money… as well they should. This is to be expected for the next several years. Long term holders will benefit if they buy in the dips.

AlternateAlternative February 9, 1: Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. Posted on May 6, 37 Comments. Posted on March 23, 17 Comments.

I have some Chucky Cheese tokens, if anyone is interested. Maybe now gpus will finally drop in price. Long term holders will benefit if they buy in the dips Reply.

Other cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and Ripple are sharply down, too. Is this the big crash? A movie about the latest crypto information and investments! You join the Bitconnect Investment Club that I run and possess,[…]. Want to know what cryptocurrencies are? Emotion like a dummy for not realizing what absolutely everyone is speaking about? Check out out our manual that explains accurately what it is without having bitcoin selloff continueslive breaking news coverage the hell out of you!

It will crash the inevitability has happened! Never got into it because it's not back by anything! What's happening now is the big players are getting out from the high! Of newcomer suckers buying in so sad for the average guy that thought this was the new gold! A lot of lives are going to be ruined buy crypto! Super Kitty Show February 9, Bitcoin is an idea that if not universally accepted risks becoming worthless.

An idea that represents a number which is supposed to hold value, says who. Speculators first have to sell bitcoin selloff continueslive breaking news coverage fear, then sell an idea that will lessen the fear. In God we trust, has better value. Brent Hill February 9, Matt Bryan February 9, Sell now, it's not going to rebound anytime soon if at all.

The crypto brand is being trashed by the day. If you think the governments and bankers were ever going to allow this to happen you were naive. H USA February 9, Are there any ties to market fall as a whole? Did anyone notice how the market fell pts as trump began his speech. All networks cut away to watch market 15 minutes in. It hovered at for hours than wham All day the analyst were saying all market indicators are great. What is going on? MD Paul February 9, Steven Hooker February 9, Ri3m4nn February 9, bitcoin selloff continueslive breaking news coverage To allow trading the out put of both workers, money buffers their value accordingly.

Solution Bodhie February 9, Graham February 9, NaturalHI Bitcoin selloff continueslive breaking news coverage 9, Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. How to buy Bitcoin quickly and protected with Credit Card! Posted on November 28, 2 Comments. Posted on March 28, No Comments.

I didn't buy any.

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Bitcoin stumbles as Binance faces potential regulatory backlash.