Bitcoin to the moon 2015

One of the most important astrological events of is the upcoming transit of Mars in Capricorn. Mars is the planet which governs the fire element. It relates to logic, courage, initiative, drive, personal power, a pioneering spirit, assertiveness, aggression, conflict, economic and military matters, siblings, and war.

It will occur bitcoin to the moon 2015 year with Bitcoin to the moon 2015 transiting in sidereal Capricorn from May 2 to November 5. During this period, Mars will retrograde from June 26 to August In my professional consultations with clients, I am discussing the Mars in Capricorn transit in great detail because it is extremely significant and influential when a planet like Mars stays in one sign and house for six months like this!

Not only are we looking at the extended six-month transit of Mars, but we are also looking into its two-month retrograde cycle which is the most intense period. The following material is for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, financial advice. You should consult your own financial advisors before engaging. Satoshi Nakamoto is the pseudonym used by the mysterious person or persons who designed Bitcoin and created its original bitcoin to the moon 2015 application and blockchain database.

Farrar, Straus and Giroux. I have been passionate about finding out the real identity of Satoshi because I wanted to create an accurate astrological birth chart for Bitcoin. This is known as the Bitcoin Genesis Block. Undoubtedly, the birth of Bitcoin occurred before that, and more specifically, when Satoshi Nakamoto released his now-legendary White Paper.

To cast an accurate birth chart, we need an exact date, time, and geographical location. We have the date and time for the White Paper, but the location is problematic. One of the many New Year charts used in Vedic astrology is based on the New Moon in Pisces, when the Sun and Moon come together in the same celestial longitude conjunction in Pisces constellation in the pratipada tithi.

This is called Chaitra Shukla Pratipada, the first synodic lunar day tithi of the waxing Moon in the Vedic month of Chaitra. It is believed that Lord Brahma created the universe on this very day. In this year ofChaitra Shukla Pratipada tithi starts right after 9: The horoscope for the Vedic New Year for the U. Though the New Year chart is set for March 17, the year lord is calculated for the following day on Sun-day, March 18, which is the day on which the pratipada tithi is in place at sunrise.

Each country will have a different New Year chart based on the different coordinates. The beginning bitcoin to the moon 2015 the Vedic New Year also marks Vasant Navratrithe nine-night spring festival of Mother Divine when Devi Durga comes down to bless the world and her children at the beginning of the New Year.

Bitcoin and the blockchain are two of the most important inventions since the development of the Internet and the World Wide Web in the late 20th century, and are among the most important inventions of the 21st century so far. This no doubt might cloud my astrological judgment. Nonetheless, the Bitcoin vortex sucked me in and gave me bitcoin to the moon 2015 choice but to do this bitcoin to the moon 2015 and write about it.

I have deeply studied and researched this topic and continue to delve into it daily. SuperMoons occur a few times a year when the Full or New Moon is closer to the Earth than normal perigee. This SuperMoon on January 1 is the largest one of ! Mundane astrology employs several different horoscopes to track the unfolding of karma of our collective reality. One of these horoscopes is cast for the exact moment of summer or winter solstice.

Solstices mark the northerly or southerly excursion of the Sun relative to the celestial equator on the celestial sphere. In the northern hemisphere, the northern point is summer solstice, and the southern one is winter solstice. In the southern hemisphere, the northern point is winter solstice, and the southern is bitcoin to the moon 2015 solstice. The solstices are powerful turning points that separate the solar year into two halves, and so, whatever is happening astrologically in a solstice chart reveals something about how the stage is set for the six months to follow.

After having been transiting in sidereal Scorpio since early Novemberwith a brief transit into sidereal Sagittarius from January 26 — June 20,Saturn will re-enter Sagittarius on October 26 at 5: On the other hand, Saturn and Jupiter the lord of Sagittarius are more neutral to each other. Dwelling mentally on the objects of sense leads to attachment to them.

From attachment arises desire and from desire, anger. From anger springs forth lack of discrimination which leads to loss of memory. From loss of memory ensues the destruction of intelligence, and the destruction of intelligence results in decay.

He later died at the scene from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. The incident surpassed the Orlando nightclub shooting as the deadliest mass shooting by a lone gunman in U.

Pluto will remain in direct forward motion for about seven months and then will retrograde again next year, on April 23, His retrograde cycle lasts for about five months every year. I also use the sidereal zodiac exclusively. Additionally, the lunar bitcoin to the moon 2015 Rahu and Ketu true bitcoin to the moon 2015 calculation are moving into the Cancer-Capricorn axis on September 8,and this transit will last until March If we use the mean node calculation, this ingress already occurred in mid-August Either way, we are in the midst of a sea change.

I will start by discussing the Jupiter Libra ingress. Please support my research and publishing endeavours through contributions using the Bitcoin or PayPal buttons below. Your help is greatly appreciated!