Bitcoin xt blacklist

Qntra and others have been detailing potential ulterior motives for the push for an XT hard fork. Populist support for "Bitcoin"XT tends to ignore code that has not been well publicized or that they find inconvenient to acknowledge. The code in question relates bitcoin xt blacklist the deanonymization of XT nodes running on Tor and the blacklisting of Tor exit addresses.

This is achieved through an IP address blacklist of nodes which "misbehave" and bitcoin xt blacklist daily against a list of nodes maintained by Mike Hearn bitcoin xt blacklist the XT client dutifully fetches.

The code presented below was pushed by Hearn for merging into Bitcoin "Core" and created a large controversy in the discussion attached to the pull request bitcoin xt blacklist Github. I still refuse to do this with regard to bitcoin xt blacklist consensus rules, but I'm fine with doing it for technical changes.

Go ahead and merge this into your own fork, but the discussion here is done. Every pull you touch turns into a cesspool, bitcoin xt blacklist big controversy that detracts from getting day-to-day work done. You are behaving in a way that is toxic to this project. Instead of considered step-by-step development and reasoned discussion, like all other people here, you throw something over the wall and start a forceful argument on how you're right and every alternative suggestion is a mistake that will lead to doom and gloom.

This is draining our energy. The first part of the code defines IP groups, which correlates a connected node to a specific IP address:. This code prioritizes the IP addresses of nodes known to behave correctly according to Mike Hearn, and drops deprioritized nodes when the machine runs out of resources. This could eventually lead XT nodes to only connect to "white-listed" peers, essentially forcing users to use specific access points to relay transactions to the network. As of the publication of shitco.

One can easily see how this mechanism could serve a regime in regulating the use of Bitcoin at the protocol level, a step beyond even what Coinbase has done. An XT node operator is able to add any IP to the blacklist but what is more concerning is that the default behavior of an XT node downloads a dynamic list upon start up:.

This list "that's downloaded when the node starts" could bitcoin xt blacklist served by any number of malicious actors attempting to isolate or force individuals off the network under the guise of DDOS protection. Hearn states this downloaded list is only a list of known Tor exits as these according to him commit Denial of Service attacks upon the network. A predominantly XT network that is under heavy load would essentially prevent anyone from using Bitcoin with Tor. Given Hearn's bizarre approach in trying to be a part of Bitcoin, it isn't too far fetched that bitcoin xt blacklist definition of "Denial of Service" is actually a framework to be used by a government to exert control over the Bitcoin network.

However running XT and Hearn's patches is bitcoin xt blacklist choice, though some voices on social media appear all too happy to choose this reality for themselves.

Though Hearn claims to have good intentions, his true loyalties and thinly disguised malfeasance are apparent even under the most superficial examination.

I think you miss the point. Mike has his configured that way. I would configure mine to always permit my phone wallet to be able to establish a connection to my personal node…that would require bumping a bitcoin xt blacklist to make room for mine. Sounds like a good feature to me. Setting some bland defaults that could be modified by a configuration file would be ideal though. Your email address will not be published.

You may use these HTML tags and attributes: I reject anti-Tor blacklist in Bitcoin-Core. The first part of the code defines IP groups, which correlates a connected node to a specific IP address: An XT node operator is able to add any IP to the blacklist but what is more concerning is that the default behavior of an XT node downloads a dynamic list upon start up: The code has both a static list and a list that's downloaded when the node starts.

That's not what the code says and does, but bitcoin xt blacklist for lying anyway. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.

Mike Hearn and Gavin Andressen recently chose to use the Bitcoin-XT project to attempt to provoke a hard fork in the blockchain to increase the block size limit. Users who support Gavin's code to hard fork the network to increase the block size, began switching to, and launching Bitcoin-XT nodes.

There is no way ordinary p2p nodes in any network can handle that: They could of course bitcoin xt blacklist exactly the same thing to Bitcoin Core nodes, but apparently they think they're "saving" Bitcoin by doing this, so I guess they won't.

I suggest therefore that the next release stop identifying itself as Bitcoin Bitcoin xt blacklist and this will break Lighthouse stop serving the getutxo message. This bitcoin xt blacklist make it indistinguishable at the wire level from Core. The XT website is hosted on CloudFront but it bitcoin xt blacklist only doing static serving.

That may be sufficient, with logs analysis, but I'd rather spend time on something else. Of course this doesn't help mining pools. They would need to find ways to sink the DoS attacks themselves. I think Slush's pool got an extortion letter so they may have contact details. The version string is malleable as asciilifeform explained in getting his node to show up on Bitnodes. Hearn is taking battle tactics from bitcoin-assets in order to defend his node army, as asciilifeform predicted a node war months ago.

In regards to the attacks on MPEx during this time, Trilema reported in particular:. While baseline remained for the entire duration in the Gbit range, I've seen spikes as high as Gbit and I'm not even sure I've actually measured the highest ones.

Very good quality DDoS. IPs that hit twice in the same hour are extremely rare — and bitcoin xt blacklist possibly false positives. The traffic mix and other characteristics speak, to me, of professionalism. Thus the true use of this blacklist feature at this point remains questionable. Then it… didn't work to prevent DDoS. Just as horrible for users' privacy as ever, of course, just now with an added dash of "and it doesn't even work for the alleged purpose".

Bitcoin xt blacklist guess chalk another one up on the very very large table on which Hearn's spectacular coding failures bitcoin xt blacklist recorded. What's he, two for two back when he was still besmirching Bitcoin with his google bitcoin xt blacklist, and one for one in scamcoinland?

Nice going, I'm sure his mother's ever so proud. The ultimate triumph for Hearn could involve taking a contract out on himselfmaking sure to have cameras rolling when his brains scatter.

Then XTards could bitcoin xt blacklist the rest of eternity prattling on about 'murderous Core fanatics. I wouldn't be too worried about it, seeing how there's no free hitman service offered by random university. Bitcoin xt blacklist gotta make do with bandwidth and bad food for now. Your email address will not be published. You may use these HTML tags and attributes: Does anyone have any good suggestions for where to run the version collector? In regards to the attacks on MPEx during this time, Trilema reported in particular: And just as critically: Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published.