Bite sides of tongue

In most cases it is normal and it is not connected to anything severe or dangerous. You body might simply do this because of some twitch you have, and it is not dangerous. However this can also be caused by other conditions. One of those conditions are seizures. If you ever felt a seizure, or you have seen someone have one, you know that our body starts reacting beyond our control.

So, tongue biting might be a sign of seizure that happens during night, or in our sleep. You will surely notice this happen, and what you should do is visit your doctor immediately.

A head scan is necessary in this case, because you need to examine your brainwaves during sleep. Other possible reason for tongue biting at night might be teeth grinding.

Teeth grinding is a disorder that affects many people. Causes of this disorder are numerous, and some of them are anxiety, depression, alcoholism and many more. To stop biting your tongue at night, you might need to dig depper into this disorder and find out what is causing it.

When you eliminate those causes, tongue biting will stop. Rhytmic movement disorder can also be the reason why you are biting your tongue. What causes this disorder is yet unknown. It is connected to our brain functions, and certain people simply have this disorder.

To help treat this disorder there are special medications but the correct treatment is not determined. Sometimes wearing braces can be the cause of your tongue biting. Maybe you are used to sleeping in a certain way different jaw positions , and with braces these positions are not possible.

Your tongue in this case might not have too much room, and that is when he gets hurt. Sleep apnea relaxes our tongue. When it is fully relaxed it can fall into our throat or between our teeth, which makes it harder to breath or we can bite our tongue during this time.

To do so, you need to visit your doctor and ask for advice. During treatment you will need to take medications that will help you control this condition while you are sleeping, and prevent you from hurting yourself.

Stress can cause many different conditions in our body, and one of them is even tongue biting. Your body might be fighting with this awful condition through these night movements, that are not controlled by us. During pregnancy, women can experience this often due to hormones that affect their bodies. Infections like Lyme disease can be the possible reason for tongue biting. This condition affects our brain and impulses wrong signals to our central nervous system.

These signals cause our body to move uncontrollably. This disease can even cause night seizures, which I mentioned eralier, so it is important to visit your doctor and to all the necessary examinations.

Treatment for this disease include probiotics that will restore your normal digestive flora and keep your digestion in balance.

When the damage is already done, all you can do is treat the affected area. Depending on the cause, your injury can be more severe or less.

Sometimes these injuries can be really hurtful, and even cause wounds on your tongue. Just giving you feedback, not trying to scare you. I have been tryn to stop biting my tongue for 3 years now. I am in intense pain. I dont even stop to think of what I am doing when I do it.

Blood is on many of my clothes and I just want to stop. People are starting to notice the white scab acting stuff that TRYS to protect your tongue, but always fails. I am only I can sure understand what DeanNewRochelleNY means about the pain of having your tongue cut on, I had the exact same thing happen to me, tests came back Neg. I to am on an anti anxiety meds but for me I know it is stress related. My brother in law just passed away and my tongue feels like I have chewed it off, I am afraid to go back to the doctor as I do not want to go through that pain again, I have tried a mouth guard but I could not sleep with that in my mouth, I have been looking for something to put on my tongue at night to see if that helps.

I also think that my tongue biting has become habit when I get stressed out. Funny thing for me is I am lucky enough not to work, I live the life most would love to live and I am still stressed out go figure. From everything I have been reading I wonder if the anti anxiety meds have anything to do with what all of us have been writing about.

My next step is to try and find a way to get off of xanax which I understand is not easy to doBest of luck to all of you and if anyone finds a tongue guard please post it here thanks donnalasetia gmail.

It gets very hard to stop sometimes i dont realize i do it either. Im constinatly doing it and cant stop i started butting a small piece of paper towel on my tounge so i dont feel my touunge it worked i stopped biting it, But that white stuff doesnt go away unless i bite it off. First off, I thought I was the only person that did this I usually bite my tongue, like the tip of it, until it sores up or bleeds I do this when I am thinking a lot, about anything I will try the rubber band thing though First off, I'm 24 male and I feel a little better knowing I'm not the only one that does does I'm also a college student and I've noticed that this usually happens during the end of the quarter when finals are coming up, which leads me to believe that it's caused by some kind of stress or anxiety.

This stupid problem that I have lowers my self esteem with women because I feel like an animal eating my own tongue and I am afraid people will think I'm some kind of psycho if they find out that I do this.

The reason that I replied to the above comment is because the rubber band idea really helps. You can bite your tongue if you're having a seizure Mainly for epileptic patients like myself.

Having said that, there are occasions when the brain discharges some electrons Not a full seizure that leads to a twitch. And if the jaw is twitched, you can bite your tongue. This is not common with everyone. It mainly affects epileptic patients. I could have written the post. The tongue feels to big for the mouth Always in the way on luckily? I also started taking Effexor I always assumed stress has something to do with it as well.

Im also a apparently LOUD teeth grinder.. A guard at night helps the teeth a lot and a little relief on the tonge. However, I work on the telephone all day long and whenever I find m yself speaking with a customer, I find my tonge rubbing right up against the same two upper teeth. Hi everyone,Firstly i'm glad to have found this thread as like a lot of you, have felt alone in this quiet torture.

I have been biting my tongue since my early teens. Now i'm mid 20s. I do it without realizing It feels like a part of me does like to bite my tongue, to chew it down and for it to hurt. I dont know why, I'm not on any drugs.. Like it takes over.

I do it in public too but try to conceal it. Sometimes i feel at the mercy of my habit and fight myself to stop. I feel socially embarrassed about my tongue It forms over the damaged area to repair. I know it's hard It's actually white blood cells trying to heal infections. Also eating salty or spicy food hurts..

Anyways, i do have some addiction problems It MUST be a stress related habit. Anyways, i just wanted to let you guys know that you're not alone and that this is a problem for me too. I tried chewing gum I want to stop I am looking currently on information about the subject seeing as I have no insurance. I agree with this reasoning and this has been what I have been thinking as well. I do feel like some of it is tension.

I did find on the net a great deal of info that indicated that could be a result of seizures. I suggest going to a qualified physician if you really want to figure it out if its bothering you like it is me. Perhaps consider any neck tension. How are you sleeping? Do you have knots in your back or neck?

I would also appreciate more qualified information on this topic so if anyone knows anything thank you! I've been biting my tongue for years to nobodys knoweldge. Thank you for advising the rest of us!

I've also talked to a few doc's and dentists, they told me to stop 10 years ago and it's just the hardest thing to stop doing!!! I should really stop since open wounds all over my mouth and cig smoke lingering in there so often is a lethal combination