Blockchain alliance of canada

We provide education, technical assistance, and periodic informational sessions regarding Bitcoin and other digital currencies and uses of the blockchain generally. In order to run you must also register as a member of the Blockchain alliance of canada. The Blockchain Alliance is a public-private forum created by the blockchain community.

The Bitcoin Alliance of Canada has a track record of hosting large events, engaging with policy makers, speaking to industry associations, and being on call for media and general inquiries. Since launch, the BAC blockchain alliance of canada achieved a number of key milestones including:. We speak for an industry that aims to touch the daily lives of Canadians in every corner of the country — blockchain alliance of canada providing jobs, career opportunities, and by investing in the communities we serve.

There is no cost for membership. Please confirm your email address to activate your account. We speak for blockchain alliance of canada industry that aims to touch the daily lives of Canadians in every corner of the country — by providing jobs, career opportunities, and by investing in the communities we serve. Vision To be the most authoritative and effective voice for Blockchain technology in Canada.

Governance — The BAC will promote good governance and best practice in a transparent and accountable fashion, and blockchain alliance of canada Canadian and international partnerships and collaboration. To advance, promote and protect the interests of our members through effective advocacy, communications and education. Social login temporarily unavailable. Education, Training and Certification — Bitcoin and blockchain technology is evolving rapidly and becoming more pervasive. To be the best that we can be we need your help.

We provide education, technical assistance, and periodic informational sessions regarding Bitcoin and other digital currencies and uses of the blockchain generally. In addition to directors, we are also looking for volunteers from all backgrounds to help with the organization in the way that best matches their skills. Regulators understand that in order blockchain alliance of canada develop effective controls they must truly understand the technology. Want to support blockchain in Canada? To provide a forum for open dialogue between industry and law enforcement and regulatory blockchain alliance of canada, in order to help combat criminal activity on the blockchain.

BAC is a not-for-profit, industry-funded association representing one of the fastest growing industries on the planet. Think tanks have this technology in the same basket as technologies like Internet, Artificial Intelligence, and Genetics. BAC is a strong advocate for Blockchain Technology in Canada and works with all levels of government and other stakeholders to support employment growth and career opportunities in Blockchain technology, to promote and sustain community development initiatives from coast-to-coast, and to enhance consumer safety and industry competitiveness. If you know of candidates who would be good for blockchain alliance of canada role please forward them this message. The Blockchain alliance of canada Alliance is a public-private forum created by the blockchain community.