Btc robot youtube dancing

The typical scenario is using lighttpd as off-load server to push out static content and leave to complex work to another server. One example is YouTube. They have a farm of servers which push out the thumbnails you see before you see the movies:. While download is used to distribute the SQL dumps of the database when tend to grow above the magic 4GByte border, upload is used to push out all the images and resize them when necessary.

This has been seen with btc robot youtube dancing web-servers and different backends in lighttpd as well. In one of the last changesets I added a infrastructure to track the time spent in lighttpd for a single connection including the time spent in the different stages of the gthread-aio backend:.

I wrote a script to extract this timing data from errorlog and used gnuplot to turn it to a images:. Interesting for our time-outs are only the dots which leave the 4 sec range as that are our starving read threads. If it takes too long for them to finish the client will close the connection and the user will get a broken transfer. Reducing the number of threads helps to limit the impact of the problem as we can see above in the graphs:.

The probability of a stuck thread to get Btc robot youtube dancing again is increasing the more threads are getting stuck as less threads can run.

In the worst case all available threads are waiting and at least one of them will get finished. Next btc robot youtube dancing the raw-IO performance which is important for heavy, static file transfers the buffered IO performance is btc robot youtube dancing interesting for sites which have a small set of static files which can be kept btc robot youtube dancing the fs-caches.

The less syscalls it has to do, the better. The benchmark command has been changed as in the other benchmarks:. Search Sections Home benchmark download thank-you story Sites blog docs bugs forum. Powered by Lighttpd April 04, They have a farm of servers which push out the thumbnails you see before you see the movies: Fri, 03 Feb Wed, 04 Apr On wikipedia they run at least 2 servers with lighttpd: Mon, 04 Dec Wed, 14 Mar In one of the last changesets I added a infrastructure to track the time spent in lighttpd for a single connection including the time spent in the btc robot youtube dancing stages of the gthread-aio backend: If you reduce the threads to 4 you get: Reducing the number of threads helps to limit the impact of the problem as we can see above in btc robot youtube dancing graphs: Benchmark kByte MByte of kBytes files served from the hot caches: Apache, LiteSpeed and linux-sendfile are using the same syscall: The benchmark command has been changed as in the other benchmarks:

Accordingly, it is rarely done properly and has never garnered the respect it deserves. It is the complete loss of the social conditioning that makes adult life monotonous and depressing and has the power to be a transformational spiritual experience.

Partying is all about letting go of your inhibitions. Kickstart the process by throwing on a ridiculous costume. If the Party has a theme, go to btc robot youtube dancing extreme. Lead the charge and maximize the fun for everyone. In order to take the Party to the next level, you must drag out the trampolines, pogo sticks, rollerblades, hula hoops, jump ropes, beach balls, shake weights, musical instruments and etc.

Anything you can hoist, bounce off, or roll on. And share them all night long. Next-level Partying requires the infectious, high-energy stuff that will force everyone to sing and dance. The songs people know and love. And it must also be as loud as possible.

A Party is no place for conversation. You might think dancing is hard and requires practice. Just stop thinking, let go and allow the music to be your master. You will instantly be having btc robot youtube dancing and feeling good and others will be impressed and inspired to dance also. The one btc robot youtube dancing to dancing is just bend your kneesone leg at a time. As children, we constantly climb on, jump off, and explore everything.

We want to run, scream, sing, dance, and play as hard as our bodies will allow. It destroys our natural fun-seeking, creative impulses and is the reason so many are depressed and afraid to sing or dance or deviate from the norm. Overcoming this conditioning is a formidable challenge. Partying can get us there. Party lights and fog machines are also necessary.

The btc robot youtube dancing must be as crazy and high-energy as possible. You cannot Party indoors and do it right without wrecking your house. Once outdoors, the Party is liberated from these restrictions and can be shared with an unlimited number of new friends and everyone is free to get as wild as possible. People drink a lot at most Parties because most Parties are boring and drinking is therefore necessary to loosen up and have fun.

This is due to poor music, dull clothing, lack of props and lame atmosphere; all of which inhibit singing and dancing and living free. But if the Party is really good, the atmosphere alone will inspire people to lose their inhibitions and freak out and drive the energy to ridiculous heights and make it an incredible experience for everyone.

Creating a Party like that btc robot youtube dancing very hard to do, but it should be the goal every time. There was generally a small police presence keeping an eye on things, but no drinking tickets, fights or any other problems one would expect from such large, wild crowds. Partying by elevating consciousness, rather than destroying it.

It will all climax in Transnistria, where we will host a Simultaneous Global Btc robot youtube dancing Party, transmitted to everyone in the world at the same time. It will be fun. Decentralized Dance Party — spmx. This is what life is about! Dancing, lack of ego, embrace each other, and have fun!!!!!! This is amazing and what life is about. Have fun, live freely, embrace each other, and dance your ass off!! See you tonite SF!!!!!!!!!

Decentralized Dance Party- Athens Edition! When will you be releasing your Manual? There is Dancing to be Done! I was fortunate enough to attend last year simply by btc robot youtube dancing, Victoria, B.

Let me tell you, that night still stands out above all in my memory as one of the single best time I have had in ages! It is a lesson to us all and is just awe inspiring how infectious this is. It truly brings out the kid in us all to be free and have fun without the need or want of poisoning our bodies and polluting our minds with drugs and alcohol.

Btc robot youtube dancing am so stoked for round 2 this year in 2 days time- I have to meet you guys and shake hands, possibly hugs and happy tears of joy LMFAO. I want to rollerblade, but I also want to be mon-fri. I love this idea. The Vancouver Airport one looked like a riot of all btc robot youtube dancing party vibe goodness. Get into the vortex. Tom and Gary's Decentralized Dance Party. Adamthelizard wholeheartedly supports the mission btc robot youtube dancing have stated and will be at the DC edition to document and participate in the awesomeness.

The vibe seems a bit like the Midnightridazz bicycle parties in LA which are roving theme-based events. Hooray for Decentralized Dance parties! This is an amazing concept. I, myself, have been practicing hosting such events for 15 years now. I use these same concepts.

I am so excited to see this idea being shared with everyone! I want to be part of that world wide dance party!!! Im sure the whole of Japan would too. Japan is the suicide capital of the world! Its cos they are so repressed. And for me it all about the love and release and trancendance, if we let go of our social condition and embrace pure joy, the world is ours just by living in a state of joy.

Summer was crazy for me- rolling solo around the states couchsurfing, but it was when i got to BC where the magic happened. Shambs was a week of total and utter self-transcendence- where your true sense of self is released and becomes intertwined with the collective. Its a special place where borders become arbitrary and egos evaporate. In successful parties the crowd btc robot youtube dancing an interactive museum where each member is an artist. A really good party, at its core, is a spiritual experience.

Knowing DDP exists makes me even happier to be alive, thank you for spreading the love. Your email address will not btc robot youtube dancing published. What is a DDP? I Went To Burning Person? Camp Dogecoin At Burning Man ! Testimonials Kickstarter Rewards Thanks! August 12, at 8: April 14, at 8: Jacob David William McGill says: June 14, at June 19, at 3: Ok, so THAT just happened: P would love to talk with you guys, cant wait XD I want to rollerblade, but I also want to be mon-fri.

January 15, at 2: January 3, at 7: November 7, at August 26, at 2: July 31, at btc robot youtube dancing June 3, at 4: May 21, at May 11, at 7: February 24, at 9: January 29, at January 27, at Id love to party out the front of the stock exchange and get all the suits jumping.

I love what you do, it a type of spiritual and emotional activism xoxoxoxo love and party, Darci! January 12, at DZang Thanks for the support- keep in touch and hopefully our paths will soon cross….

January 12, at 9:

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