Cgminer litecoin command line

I have been solo mining on a cgminer litecoin command line network on different wallets using different equipment titans,a4s,ect. I thought bfg miner might do the trick? Or is it a piece of code at the end of the url? I have tried to set up a stratum-proxy and failed. I tried using your suggestion and placed the info you suggested cgminer litecoin command line a new file in my altcoin appdata. Setup is like this:. In the appdata of the coin I am trying to mine I included this altcoin.

What am I missing? How are you starting the server when you start it? Go back to your command prompt window and copy and paste the subnet mask or just manually copy it then type in your gateway… should be the ip address of your router set your DNS to 8. One more thing you can do is download bfgminer and point bfgminer to your wallet and then your miner to bfgminer and it will show up as a Proxy worker…This is just another option and I would not try this unless you cant get it working the other way first…proxy servers can be really tricky.

Initially, I did have the. I was able to start the altcoin qt with altcoin-qt. Hi Cgminer litecoin command line have always been able to solo mine before, there is nothing wrong with my config. Cgminer litecoin command line is something abot l3 miner stopping it. The one solution is a a stratum proxy on a spare pc. I do know that you will need to set your miner to -listen somehow…when using cgminer I know you can use the -listen flag cgminer litecoin command line running bfgminer as a proxy server should do the trick if there is no way to set the l3 to listen in the gui that you ssh to on the l3…this is usually how a pool is configured though.

Thanks for your response, I have tried different stratum proxy software. I can get it running, it is the configuration I cannot get my head around enough to get it working.

Setup is like this: X In the appdata of the coin I am trying to mine I included this altcoin.