Dogecoin crazy

If you've only recently heard about cryptocurrencies, you probably know about Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. But there are thousands of other coins out there, some of which make sense, some dogecoin crazy don't, and a fair amount that are just plain weird. This crypto-zoo is a consequence of the fact that it's fairly easy to create your own Ethereum-based cryptocurrency these days — there's even an app that automates the entire dogecoin crazy.

Here's what you need to know before you buy bitcoin. Naturally, hundreds of weird, senseless, and even slightly offensive coins have cropped up in recent years, to the point that you could have a digital wallet full of swear words if you really wanted.

Amazingly enough, you could even make good money on some of these. Here are our favorites:. The Useless Ethereum Token kicks off the list because of its honesty. It's useless, and it doesn't shy away from its uselessness. Created under the tagline "no value, no security, no product," the UET nominally doesn't offer anything — but it has one advantage over many competitors: No gains means few investors, few investors means few transactions, and few transactions means no Ethereum network lag," says a note on the project's website.

The overall trading volume is ridiculously small according to CoinMarketCapso you probably didn't. Of course, there's a FUCK dogecoin crazy. The name, according to the project's webpage, is an acronym and stands for "Finally Usable Crypto Karma. The FUCK token is interesting as it actually has a decent market cap: There's not much to dogecoin crazy about PNS, as it appears to be quite useless. The funny thing about it is this: If you have an Ethereum wallet, you already have it.

The tokens have been distributed to all wallets, in the amount of If you don't believe me, check it out yourself: Go over to DeltaBalances, dogecoin crazy your dogecoin crazy in the search field on top and check "Show unlisted tokens. If you want to double down on that, you can also get some Dickels.

Unlike the two joke coins above, Titcoin dogecoin crazy TIT appears to be a legitimate project, albeit without much traction. It aims to become a means of payment for adult dogecoin crazy, which dogecoin crazy that bad of an idea, though it doesn't appear to have many partners accepting the coin. The recently launched Dogecoin crazy is not a joke project at all, but it has dogecoin crazy an odd premise: Its value is pegged to the export price of 1kg of bananas.

The company behind the token says it's the "first environmentally friendly plantation in Laos" with a mission to "grow organic and healthy" bananas. I'm not sure why such a project needs a cryptocurrency but hey, whatever floats your banana boat.

This coin is huge. Unlike most of the projects above, Coinye is very old in cryptocurrency terms — it's actually one of the first joke coins that appeared on the scene.

It was a coin with a cartoonish image of Kanye West on it and zero utility. Dogecoin is the ultimate joke dogecoin crazy. That's 2 billion dollars worth of jokes. Think about that for dogecoin crazy second. Its founder recently said that the entire cryptocurrency market is in a bubble that's bound to burst at some point.

The author owns PNS. We're using cookies to improve your experience. Click Here to find out more. Tech Like Follow Follow. It's all about bananacoins.

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