Eurostat trade by enterprise characteristics of life

Results of the Standardisation Exercise Objectives The main objective of the trade in goods statistics by enterprise characteristics TEC is to bridge two major statistical domains which have traditionally been compiled and used separately, business statistics and ITGS.

Specifically, this new domain was created to answer questions such as: What kind of businesses are behind the trade flows of goods? What is the contribution of a particular activity sector to trade? What is the share of small and medium-sized enterprises to total trade? What is the share of enterprises that trade with a certain partner country and the amount of trade value they account for?

Available datasets TEC data are grouped into ten datasets, each one focussing on a specific aspect: Dataset click on the title for short description Data TEC1 — Trade by type of trader This indicator provides information on how traders are involved in international trade. TEC1 — Trade by type of trader This indicator provides information on how traders are involved in international trade. TEC2 — Trade by activity sector and enterprise size class Trade by activity sector and employment size class shows the contributions of economic activities and size classes measured in terms of number of employees to total trade.

TEC3 — Concentration of trade by activity International trade being typically dominated by a few businesses, this indicator shows the share of the total trade accounted for by the top 5, 10, 20, etc.

TEC4 — Trade by partner country and activity Trade by partner country shows how many companies were trading with certain partner countries or country zones, and the value they accounted for. TEC5 — Trade by number of partner countries and activity Trade by number of partner countries shows how geographically diversified the export markets are.

TEC6 — Trade by commodity and activity Trade by commodity and activity sector allocates the trade of each commodity to the activity of the trading enterprise. TEC8 — Trade by type of ownership The type of ownership is referring to the concept of control and to affiliation of an enterprise. Navigation and service Go to: Please use the tab to enter the search field.

Inhalt Highlights EU labour costs Germany ranked sixth Enlarge picture. Eurostat publications Providing comparable information to assess global financial stability risks. Handbook on the compilation of statistics on illegal economic activities in national accounts and balance of payments.

Early adopters of big data? Compilers guide on European statistics on international trade in goods by enterprise characteristics TEC. In comparison with trade by activity and enterprise size class first dataset , this indicator provides more details on the activity sector 2- or 3-digit level but does not contain information about the enterprise size. This indicator aims to give insights into the internationalisation of small- and medium sized enterprises.

It complements indicator 3 on trade by partner country and activity by applying the same detailed breakdown of partner countries but categorising enterprises by size class instead of activity sector. The reporting of ITGS by enterprise characteristics requires Member States to produce a dataset independent of their monthly trade statistics. This requirement was included in the revised Intrastat and Extrastat Regulations that came into force from the reference years and respectively.

Statistics on trade by enterprise characteristics are compiled by linking intra- and extra-EU trade micro-data with business register data.

Statistics by enterprise characteristics are updated once a year with a new reference year. Historical data are exceptionally revised. International trade in goods by enterprise size. Compilers guide on European statistics on international trade in goods by enterprise characteristics TEC. Results of the Standardisation Exercise Objectives The main objective of the trade in goods statistics by enterprise characteristics TEC is to bridge two major statistical domains which have traditionally been compiled and used separately, business statistics and ITGS.

Specifically, this new domain was created to answer questions such as: What kind of businesses are behind the trade flows of goods? What is the contribution of a particular activity sector to trade?

What is the share of small and medium-sized enterprises to total trade?