Guytons liquid candy bottle

When I was a kid fish sticks seemed special because they were so different from the standard dinners we ate all the time—hot dogs, fried chicken, tiny hockey-puck hamburgers, pork chops when we were lucky. My childhood love of crispy, fishy rectangles might have something to do with my adult passion for the grown-up version and a Maine specialty: Mmm, the fried haddock here in Maine.

I do love a good lobster roll but I never, ever turn down fish and chips. Fish Stick Family 1st Sentence: Photo of Red Rockfish by U. That started in July and all those unfamiliar shapes, as much as my busy days, have delayed my Story Facts and favorites pages for July and August. Or at least teaching myself how to wander into the tall weeds with less fear. I really like it, partly because two silly rhyming songs from my girlhood made an appearance. But is it good?

I have no idea. Practicing Silence 1st Sentence: The retreat was supposed to teach me the benefits of solitude and silence. Spending all your time making cheese and pressing grapes, all to the good and no harm to Mother Earth, but she still beats you with her sun rays, Brother Hubert.

Photo of Sella Mountains by Dmitry A. Yesterday I got the story like a whole gift dropped in my lap. Today I tried in the morning, then late morning, then early afternoon, then late afternoon, then early evening.

I hit return and wrote an absurd sentence. Then the husband took me to dinner. The result is a very odd, very silly story that, yes, makes me laugh.

This was reminding me of the good old days, when we might sit in the living room and pluck a chicken together or set fire to cereal. Many thanks to Managing Editor Randall Brown!

Having something to focus on right away—as opposed to flitting around, looking for inspiration in my head—seems most days to take off the worst edge of the angst that surrounds my need to create a brand new story each day. Her Postcards 1st Sentence: I have no memory of what was just like a burnt raisin because what stunned me that day, and others, was not what my artsy, flitty, addled, moth-pinging-on-a-light bulb mother said, but what these big-eyed, fascinated, bated-breath hangers-on tried to make of it.

Enjoy with me this cinnamon-hazelnut stick as I say goodbye to Week 20! My favorite prompt week so far has been the one using poetry. As I did before, today I got my prompt from the site Poetry Daily.

First two lines of the poem as a teaser: September Sky 1st Sentence: And she said, no, I got lost in a shopping mall as an adult. Relationship 1 to 7 1st Sentence: Fleetwood Mac , Landslide , Stevie Nicks. Remember in grade school, when you had to write your name down the left side of the page, and then make a poem by producing a word or line that starts with each letter?

When I wrote my shorty yesterday, my prompt was a photo of a hurricane see the post just below. I came up with multiple first sentences that went nowhere. Then I wrote a sentence that started with each letter. I edited them to be more interesting, then went back to the top and extended each sentence into a paragraph that made sense as a lead-in to the next starting sentence. So I crossed out all the preceding work and started over with those last sentences, which quickly led to a complete story that I actually liked.

So, thank you Mrs. I have been particularly low-energy since Wednesday, so I took the whole day off and waited until midnight to even start this shorty. Anyway, I was totally stumped on this one. What Happened 1st Sentence: All the people you know and half-know and just barely recognize, the people milling in and out of your universe, those people, accept it now, will make up their own story about what happened. And when he gets to the more, the really funny stuff, the unbelievable ape-shit-crazy stuff, it will be hard to hear, knowing that you are the woman this story is about, you are the Lucille Ball of this hilarious anecdote, you are the punch line.

Astronaut Ed Lu , Hurricane Isabel. My friend Alicia and I walked for 45 minutes which was not nearly enough time for a proper girl confab while I reserved one small part of my brain for taking mental notes. The Gwen Scale 1st Sentence: The woman in the pink shorts gave her hope. The woman in the tight black leggings—no, that was not an inspiration, that was an anatomical display. Photo from the Bates College website. I laughed in glee when I saw that thing and snapped my first picture of the trip before de-pillowing.

It took a good 20 minutes to find out-of-the-way places to store all the pillows on that bed. As for the shorty, good idea but poor execution, despite much, much time invested. Meatloaf Night 1st Sentence: It will prevent me from living too much with this character I and Rachel have created.

He makes me weep. Welcome Home 1st Sentence: That expression he used to get on his face—when he was thinking back, we just knew he was, to those lost years. The boy held his breath and studied those boots, framed in the oval of rough fabric, so close he could see the exact shape of each ragged drop of red. I just completed four weeks of using various kinds of prompts to inspire stories, including personal photos, place, poems, songs. I went to my go-to news site, Salon. Then I wrote the shorty immediately afterwards.

My story, as it happens, has nothing to do with politics nor Paul Ryan. This is how you end up spending your fifteen minutes of fame as a national joke.

Deb is a limited person who found a niche in accounting and thank goodness because she might otherwise be in a halfway house somewhere, playing Hearts in baggy pink sweatpants. Another week of shorties under my belt! Mmm, congrats to me. Now THAT was a blast from the past. I love the idea for the shorty the song inspired but the promising start wound down to a disappointing finish. Maybe a strong revision will save it. Stick a Fork in It 1st Sentence: She used to have the same trouble in tennis.

She pulled the fork out of her leather bustier and he shivered in anticipation. Anyway You Want It , Journey. Sometimes I have to just throw my hands up and write myself a joke story to meet my daily shorty commitment. Sheer Rear 1st Sentence: Photo by Tinou Bao February Dire Straits , Walk of Life.

But I had to push hard to come up with a story for this one. Still, with a strong revision, what I finally got might be a keeper. Rubber Band Test 1st Sentence: One last trust-building exercise and we could all go home. Brenda, on the other hand, had encased her ample, hour-glass figure in a shiny skirt suit, but one that was more Mother of the Bride than Lipsticked Mover and Shaker: I had never actually listened to the song with any attention, so I was surprised to discover that this is not a love song.

The shorty it inspired has the same attitude as the song, I think, making this story the first in my week of prompt songs that feels connected in any way to its inspiration.

Every Minute 1st Sentence: Photo by Pnicholaspate, August She's a Beauty , The Tubes. I find it ironic that the singer belts out these lyrics about how important it is to be a simple man to soaring, anthem-like music, and that over-serious, too sincere framing drives me a little nuts. I was hoping that sense of irony might make it to my story, but no.

A sad mother-daughter tale with a not-so-simple man at the heart of it. Fooling Around 1st Sentence: I never knew my father. The sun was down completely now but there was a high, bright moon that shone on the water burbling like it came up from a split in the earth. Photo by Andrew King, March Lynyrd Skynyrd , Simple Man.

At Ogunquit again, this time with the husband and a Jacuzzi, for a long weekend in the last blush of summer. With Halloween next week, what could be more appropriate than a discussion about Bones and Candy, right?! The Western diet, high in protein and sugar is associated with an increase in all kinds of metabolic conditions from cardiovascular disease and Type II Diabetes Mellitus to osteopenia and osteoporosis.

As a Chiropractor, bone density is a very important topic and it deserves some discussion. Our bones provide a framework for our muscles to hang upon. They create a safe space for our organs to live. They act as levers to allow us to move. These are all things that we have been told about before. But, did you know that your bones are actually the largest mineral reservoir in the body? We live within a tight tolerance and have several systems that make sure that this is regulated.

This is where we will focus. When the body has an acidic environment, our body fluids, breathing, and kidneys work to shift it back to the middle. Our body increases the free calcium in extracellular fluid to correct the imbalance which tells the kidneys to excrete magnesium in urine.

These minerals are usually sourced from our bones. When we have a diet that causes our body to trend toward acidity, this buffer system is continually pulling minerals from bone. Odds are, more quickly than we can effectively store it. Think of your bones like a bank. There is a bank balance that is your bone density.

When your body needs to borrow some, it makes a withdraw. When it takes in calcium and magnesium from food, it deposits. This system works well when it is balanced. However, osteopenia and osteoporosis happen when you overdraw the account.

Therefore, it is important to balance the budget. Reduction in sugar consumption can help to reduce the withdraws being made from your bones. Improving absorption of dietary minerals helps you to build up your account. Guyton and Hall [1] discuss the importance of Vitamin D in the absorption of calcium. They report the following mechanisms:. This lets us know that appropriate Vitamin D levels are important in healthy bones.

Many people in the northern hemisphere do not make or consume enough vitamin D to have adequate levels when tested in the blood. This is an important conversation to have with your primary care physician.

Reduce acidic foods, especially grains and sugars. Consume more green leafy vegetables. Start participating in weight bearing exercise! Bone responds to stress. If you do not ask your bones to do work, they do not store as many minerals. As always, please remember: This blog is intended to provide you with tools and information about the human body. Please speak with your own health care provider before making major lifestyle changes.

Why is Sugar Bad For You? Effect of consuming different caloric sweeteners on bone health and possible mechanisms. Many times in practice, a patient presents with symptoms of lumbar low back disc injury.

They have pain into the leg, often have difficulty standing upright, and have accompanying low back pain. This generally occurs when a disc bulge or herniation places pressure on the spinal nerves or the spinal cord.

As shown in the image below, where the purple shape is pressing on the green nerve. Chiropractic care is a great conservative way to manage the pain and, often, it will centralize and resolve in a matter of weeks.

A home exercise program is then prescribed to help prevent re-occurrence and strengthen key muscles. When symptoms do not improve with a trial of care, a referral is made to an Orthopedist for further evaluation and MRI. Sometimes surgery is warranted.

Previous studies suggested that, while it was possible to remove symptoms, disc injuries do not fully resolve- think of them like a sleeping dragon. It is always essential to consult with your own health care provider when making decisions about low back pain or leg pain. Read what she has to say below! You may be wondering why on earth there would be such a thing as National Breastfeeding Month.

This month highlights the many benefits of breastfeeding. Sometimes people feel as if birth professionals, shove breastfeeding down their throats. That is where I, as well as National Breastfeeding Month, comes in. I hold the highest position within the lactation world. No, I am not a nurse and I do not work in a hospital.

I think that we would see more successful breastfeeding and empowered moms because they would be given the knowledge they need in order to make the best decisions regarding breastfeeding. I get this question all the time. Any time a mom feels that breastfeeding is not going well is when she should call an IBCLC, and please call as soon as you get that feeling.

There are times when I have had a mom connect with me prenatally, either by phone or consult, and we have a plan of action once baby arrives. Not every mom needs to do that, but it never hurts to be prepared. I always recommend a Dr. A baby has to curl their tongue around the nipple and hold it in their mouth in similar way that they would a nipple to breastfeed.

I will often use this bottle to help strengthen a babies suck if they have had some oral struggles such as a tongue tie. As for a pacifier, I would recommend a Soothie by Avent. The shape is similar to a Dr. So how do we use a pacifier the right way?

Now the better way to use a pacifier is basically as last resort. Go thru the checklist; is baby hungry? Do they need to be changed? If all is going well with breastfeeding then a good time to introduce a bottle and a pacifier is by about 3 weeks of age. You can, by all means, introduce them earlier, but we generally try to wait until breastfeeding is more established before introducing anything extra. There are tons of different types of bottles out there, as well as lots of different types of pacifiers.

And is not doable long term. Now this is a loaded question! It really depends on the family dynamic. Some dryads or triads practice extended nursing nursing beyond 2 years of age.

And this works for them because breastfeeding is a relationship. Any breastmilk is better than no breastmilk. Again, breastfeeding is a relationship and it needs to work for all parties involved.