Hashcows vs litecoin difficulty

Getting a massive rejected share rate as well. The profitability charts looked really nice, for example. Anyway, here's my hour hashcows vs litecoin difficulty of Hash Cows vs. I'm going to keep it going for another day, but so far things aren't looking all that good compared to other mining options. If yes, would 1 minute be a safe number to set this to? You'll get the best hash rate and least amount of disconnection time from it.

I must say I can tell you took the time to write-up a good review, too bad it didn't sound too good for us! In response, you have been mining here for two days hashcows vs litecoin difficulty really isn't an accurate or fair assessment of the pool. We are having issues with coin switches which you stated in the review which is causing our stratum to get stuck and even in cases go down for 3 hours per day. We are aware of this issue and hopefully will have some good news on it in the immediate future.

Like others have said one way to put a hashcows vs litecoin difficulty on the problem is to download a previous version of CgMiner which doesn't hashcows vs litecoin difficulty the 5 minute failover. If you do leave and you are not satisfied, I invite you to come back when things are fixed up and give us a longer test period.

The pool has been pretty stable for the last 2 months and of course with everything in life there will be small hiccups, I know everything seems bleak right now as we have had two days of issues though we can assure you better days are ahead.

I hope I am not tempting fate here but things seem to be settling down again after a couple of very bumpy days. As far as I can tell the main outstanding issue is disconnects and decreasingly occasional stratum failures associated with coin changes. Whilst a bit worrying I see the problem with the stats and payout estimations are secondary to making sure the mining equipment stays fully occupied.

Ok a few updates on my side. Since yesterday I took out the backup pool. Yes I do lose connection when coins switch however it's brief. Not a hashcows vs litecoin difficulty deal. Since I can monitor my home rig via remote desktop I'm not really worried about the pool being down for a long period of time. It's more problematic during the night. If the pool really goes down.

I will lose some time. Anyway In terms of profitability. Not to mention the time spent to withdraw coins from a pool, deposit them in xchange website, withdraw BTC.

The LTC difficulty recently increased. However since we all care about the future LTC difficulty is only gonna go up. Now, I've been mining on hashcows since Sunday Dec 8. On top of this my backup pool generated: So overall I would say hashcows is doing pretty well. So far i get the results im expecting.

Sure, payouts are not cosntant on a daily hashcows vs litecoin difficulty. For the time being I'm sticking with hashcows. Keep it up guys!