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WP Super Cache 1. The vulnerability is due to the handling of certain macros such as mfunc, which allows arbitrary PHP code injection. A valid post ID is needed in order to add the malicious comment.

Also, if anonymous comments aren't allowed, then a valid username and password must be provided. In addition, the "A comment is held for moderation" option on WordPress must be unchecked for successful exploitation.

This Metasploit module has been tested against WordPress 3. In order to get a session, the module will execute system from libc with an arbitrary CMD payload sent on the User-Agent header.

If the session in use is already elevated then the exploit will not run. The module relies on kitrap0d. In addition, the "A comment is held for moderation" option on Wordpress must be unchecked for successful exploitation. This Metasploit module has been tested against Wordpress 3. A few weeks ago, DefenseCode announced the remote pre-auth root access exploit for Cisco Linksys. During further research, they have discovered that other router manufacturers are also vulnerable to the same vulnerability, since the vulnerable Broadcom UPnP stack is used across multiple router vendors.

Rapid7 has produced some scary numbers surrounding how many routers are affected on the Internet. Due to size limitations on many devices, this exploit uses a separate TCP listener to stage the real payload.

This Metasploit module exploits a remote code execution vulnerability in the XML request processor of the Ruby on Rails application framework. WarVOX is a software suite for exploring, classifying, and auditing telephone systems. Unlike normal wardialing tools, WarVOX processes the raw audio from each call and does not use a modem directly.

This model allows WarVOX to find and classify a wide range of interesting lines, including modems, faxes, voice mail boxes, PBXs, loops, dial tones, IVRs, and forwarders using signal processing techniques. AxMan is an ActiveX fuzzing engine. Since AxMan is web-based, any security changes in the browser will also affect the results of the fuzzing process.

The Metasploit Decloaking Engine is a system for identifying the real IP address of a web user, regardless of proxy settings, using a combination of client-side technologies and custom services. No vulnerabilities are exploited by this tool. A properly configured Tor setup should not result in any identifying information being exposed. The Rogue Network Link Detection Tools are designed to detect unauthorized outbound network links on large corporate networks.

Moore's work has gained him both praise and antagonism in the industry. Companies such as Microsoft have credited him with discovering vulnerabilities, yet there has been criticism of Metasploit and similar tools due to their capacity to be used for criminal purposes instead of just offensive security and some of that criticism has fallen upon Moore himself.

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More from The Register. Rapid7 slurps security orchestration biz Komand When a problem comes along, you must whip it. Without having to get off your chair.

Metasploit maker Rapid7 gobbles web app security testing firm Firm hopes you'll squirt some of its sealant gunge into leaky apps. Metasploit upgraded to sniff out IoT weakspots in corporate networks Radio frequency testing probes for foreign bodies.

Popular hacker warkit Metasploit now hacks hardware and cars Coming soon: Cracking IoT kit and industrial control systems. Insteon and Wink home hubs appear to have a problem with encryption Which is to say neither do it. Australian Senate passes meaningless motion that says encryption is very useful Token effort won't stop not-backdoors legislation.

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Seeking to reduce costs and to provide better customer experience. By thinking proactively about DDoS defense, organizations can build a comprehensive strategy to mitigate attacks.

The aim of this study is to fill in the gaps in data on the real-world use of honey technologies.