Hello bitcoin stocks

A little woozy from all the bitcoin action. How about stocks and bitcoin? When you hello bitcoin stocks at bitcoin and you see this going like that, do you ever wonder how that might affect stocks? Do you ever wonder if somehow Nvidia is hello bitcoin stocks to bitcoin and, if it is, if there is a trade lurking inside that correlation?

Here is a look at bitcoin and Nvidia. This has perplexed me and interested me for quite some time, and I think you might find this hello bitcoin stocks be pretty interesting.

Right here, you see bitcoin is right here in the … These hello bitcoin stocks the bars. And Nvidia are the candles right here. This is kind of whacked. Bitcoin is rising but Nvidia is going sideways. If bitcoin is rising but Nvidia is hello bitcoin stocks, what is fascinating to me is hello bitcoin stocks Nvidia has to jump upward to catch it. Now, likewise, in the past, that relationship is held true and I would ordinarily think that it would be the reverse.

Well, it is the reverse. If Nvidia is rising, then eventually bitcoin rises to meet it. Now, you would think it was the other way around. You would think that if bitcoin takes a big jump that later on Nvidia will because hello bitcoin stocks will be more demand for bitcoin.

Well, anyway, I just find that to be absolutely stunningly interesting. And, if I saw a bitcoin rising but Nvidia falling, I would probably buy some Nvidia. And, if I saw bitcoin falling and Nvidia … Whatever. You get the point.

That somehow these two things are actually somewhat hello bitcoin stocks. Now, not as correlated like Ford and Chrysler and blah blah blah, but still related nonetheless. The point is when they are in correlation as they are right now, eventually they come back out of correlation.

Eventually, they come back. One of them starts to fall and the other then has to follow along. A million years later. Are you ready for this?

Look at the missed pivots on Nvidia. This is easily the craziest chart in the world right now. Now I close that trade at a loss. This is hello bitcoin stocks and disgusting and crazy. And when one starts to move, the other then follows. I will be back tomorrow and we will follow up on this tangentially over the next few weeks. If you like the video, you want to maybe even trade some of this stuff together, click the subscribe button here on YouTube which should be hovering over my head over there or like the video and leave a comment below and I will see you in the next one.

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