How to make money through bitcoin

Only time will tell, but for now let's speculate. Furthermore, there have been hard forks i. You have two options: By mining for Bitcoins, as long as the markets remain active you can basically make money for nothing. But the problem is, mining is such a tough gig now that it is hardly worth it.

Turning your computer into a miner will likely make it noisy and heat up. It would likely take you a long time to even mine a single Bitcoin, by which time you probably would have spent more on electricity. However, if you have access to some serious computing power and you don't have to pay the bills, you could make some easy money here. The more realistic way of making a million with Bitcoins is going to be trading them through the most prominent exchanges, such as Coinbase.

Basically you should have bought about 1, Bitcoins back when they were cheap. Making a million with Bitcoins today is probably still possible, but you will need some capital. Day trading Bitcoins is going to be risky, but where is there is volatility there is opportunity.

Otherwise, you need to take a longer-term approach and conclude whether or not you think Bitcoin will be successful.

If you think Bitcoin is going to be traded by foreign exchange dealers, market makers and institutions one day, you might want to go long. Don't expect to see more of the same fast growth now though. On the other hand, if you have a strong conviction in the downfall of the Bitcoin, you need to short the cryptocurrency in any way you can.

This would be an extremely risky endeavor still, but if the Bitcoin market is truly destined for failure, why not get rich when the bubble pops? To short Bitcoin, you will either need to get creative or join an exchange which allows you to do so. It's important to remember that Bitcoin is a currency — not a stock or bond. You're essentially hoping the value of Bitcoin relative to your native currency goes up.

The easiest way to invest in Bitcoin is to simply get a Bitcoin wallet and buy Bitcoins. We recommend Coinbase for U. This ETF tracks Bitcoin, and you can invest in fractional shares. Remember, you could also invest in Litecoin or invest in Ethereum as well.

If you are a sane individual, Bitcoins probably don't excite you too much. This is just a chance to either make a quick buck, or lose everything. Bitcoins may well take off in the real-world in the future, but then again what would stop another cryptocurrency from emerging and defeating the Bitcoin, especially if it was indeed better? So in conclusion, if you want to be a Bitcoin millionaire, you need to hijack someone else's hardware and get mining for an extended period of time and cash out before you get penalized or arrested.

Failing that, you need to either day trade Bitcoins and take advantage of the short-term price volatility, or make an extremely risky long or short bet on the long-term success or demise of the Bitcoin. By shorting, you might be able to make money on the downside in the short-term too if the so-called Bitcoin bubble is about to burst. On the other hand if you are sane, it's probably wise to just sit back and watch the chaos unfold.

Matthew is a student currently studying Accounting and Economics. Then for 1 dollar you could get between and coins. In May , Bitcoin made a remarkable deal. In October the value of this digital currency reached 6 dollars. It is worth to follow Bitcoin's upward or downward trend to be able to consciously decide whether to sell or keep our coins. This is probably the quickest and easiest way to make money using digital currency. Just like the regular exchange, Bitcoin trading requires low cost purchases and sales during the price increase.

To start trading, you have to set up an exchange account and then deposit yours funds into it. Check how to do it here. Once you have set up your account, you can monitor the trading market in your panel. It is worth remembering that in the case of digital currencies, all transactions are explicit and anonymous. How to earn money on Bitcoin exchange? How to become an owner of a digital currency?

Long-term ownership of Bitcoin Bitcoins appeared on the market in