Im 100% bullish above this bitcoin price level
Forfatter sunny decree depuis 14 jours. My testicle analysis says btc will be between zero and one million im 100% bullish above this bitcoin price level the next 3 years. Glad i came across your channel very easy to understand. When i get to your subscriber count ill contact you for some duos.
Currently 3k subs Keep Rocking! Sunny your gonna end up eating that salt. There is only one way and that is UP! Man you roasted them coins! If it's go down panic if it's go up panic. Next time I am gonna unsubscribe.
I feel we are in a bull market. It's just my six sence. TA only works because people think it works! That's literally the whole idea behind it! When sunny is bullish - time to sell. This indicator never failed. I'm totally flat on BTC because of its decreasing dominance. Low Supply and Low Volume coin. What's the track at the end it's driving me crazy in need it anyone know it?????
TA is not physics, but rather a graphical representation of the "hive mind", so in that regard it is indeed very useful. They are releasing their blockchain with 1mil TPS in June, being the fastest decentralised platform in crypto scene.
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Soon you can by im 100% bullish above this bitcoin price level few more and start producing. Later upgrades cost 0,02Eth but the ROI is fast. I make like 0. Makes me more then my miner does: Tom Lee, Fundstrat Global Advisors, discusses why he prefers bitcoin over its alternate bitcoin cash. Experience special sneak peeks of your favorite shows, exclusive video and more.
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