Iudex ethereum

This includes, but is not limited to: This is an archived ethereum. Scoring can ethereum be done with verified accounts. Anybody can ask iudex question Anybody can answer The iudex answers are voted up and rise to the top. At the moment it also handles the linking of Ethereum addresses and other accounts. Ethereum seems like an ideal way to verify the authenticity of customers.

We really need a DAPP for reputation. Log in or sign up in seconds. You can independently check the honesty of the service by using this web-based client-side tool. Therefore new ways to calculate reputation can replace current ones, if the public deems them more appropriate or accurate.

Before verification can proceed, a user has to create a new Iudex account, iudex at a start will not have anything linked, apart ethereum the Ethereum address used ethereum register. Posts and comments must be made from an account at least 10 days old with a minimum of 20 comment karma. Great work everyone - shame there could be only one winner as there were some many amazing projects on show. Additionally it provides iudex combined score across iudex your linked accounts.

The public methods are: A great thanks to ether. There are many more cool things but I ethereum link them all so just go and look if you haven't already. Definitely looking forward to build on top of this first POC I agree with everyone who comented here, hackaton was a blast, can't wait to do another one soon. Kudos to Roman, Alex and gang for organizing first class hacking event!

Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Submit a new link. Submit a new text post. Rules No inappropriate behavior. No spamming or drive by posting. No creating multiple accounts to get around Reddit rules. Please provide accurate translations where appropriate. Stay close to him and circle around until he reels back in preparation for an attack. All of his attacks in this form are considered physical, so if you have a shield that will absorb all physical damage the shield the Knight class starts with , this battle is significantly easier.

This will help you to avoid his grab attack which is slow but can be deadly if you get caught by it. If you want to play it safe, do not attack Gundyr until after each of his two-hit combos.

You have plenty of time after his combo attacks to lay into the boss while it recovers and prepares to attack again. Once you get Gundyr down to approximately 50 percent health he pauses and changes to his second form. In addition, the boss will jump into the air and land on top of you, inflicting significant damage. Continue to circle around him, but this time stay as close as you can.

While Gundyr has extended range in this form, he has a harder time attacking if you remain very close to him. You should only back away when Gundyr jumps into the air, then roll away just behind the boss lands to avoid the attack. Defeat Iudex Gundyr to obtain the Coiled Sword , then light the Iudex Gundyr bonfire that has taken the place of his once petrified body.

Open the door on the far side of the courtyard, then grab the Broken Straight Sword on the corpse ahead. Take the path to the right of the corpse to find two more enemies.

Clear them out and proceed to the end of the path to find a Homeward Bone item. Head back around to the door and take the path up the hill to the left. Take out the enemies to the left first, then move to the enemy on the right gazing out into the abyss. Continue up the second, longer set of stairs but do not enter the building at the top just yet.

Instead, move around the path to the right to find an undead hound around the corner.