Maker faire robot army

Click here to watch […]. By wonrobot Posted on 3 weeks ago. The inaugural March for Science happened in It was a series of rallies and marches held in Washington, D.

By wonrobot Posted on 4 weeks ago. There were hundreds of school children participating in the same with very creative and […]. By wonrobot Posted on 1 month ago. One of the best parts of being a Member is that […]. By wonrobot Posted on 2 months ago. It was a long time almost three weeks! By wonrobot Posted on 3 months ago. About time for an update! Good news, Maker Faire accepted our application, so we are definitely going. Even better news, DF Robot has agreed to provide kits so we can run robot building workshops at Maker Faire.

We did something similar two years ago, and it was a huge success. We'll have kits to share for people who sign up at the LMR table. Ricky from DF Robot wanted to do something nice to honor Lumi's memory, so these workshops are dedicated in his memory. Lumi was always sharing his knowledge and love or robotics with others, so it is a wonderful way to remember him.

I'm reaching out to those that said they would like to volunteer to help at the LMR table. We'll need lots of help with the workshops too. If you are on the fence and haven't communicated with me, it's not too late.

Please let me know ASAP! I'll be hosting a Google Hangout this evening at 4: It will mostly be Rick and I, but anyone is welcome to join and contribute. We had a great time last year , and we're hoping to interest more LMR members to come and help this year.

Please comment below or send Rick or I a PM if you would like to come. We typically can get free entry for people, in return for time volunteering at the LMR table. I actually might be able to come if I can convince my mother. I am not sure weather or not the maker faire will be during school since we can't get a quote from my school but it probably is. Any chance I could help setup the LMR booth or whatever it is called.

I don't disagree that Maker Faire is a good excuse to miss school, though your parents might. You are certainly welcome. If you can't make it for Friday setup, that is OK. Come whichever days you can get your parents to agree to. I will do the whole fri to sun if i can get the vacation. I'd like to come, but too early to say for sure. Put me up as a "maybe". Our chat is a buzzing-with-life place where our community members join to discuss and foster great conversations.

Whether it's about their latest robotics project, questions about electronics, debates about the industry, or just talking between friends. World Maker Faire NY ! Makerfaire NYC , makerfaire , makerfaire. By ignoblegnome June 10, Rwinscot , my partner in crime Maker Faire organization, and his daughter Paige Robotgoldfish , and his lovely wife Barbara Franciscodr , for providing remote support and handling social media Cyrus Lalkaka, a friend of the DF Robot crew and all-around great guy My family: John robotgoldfish brought Robot Goldfish and RG2 , for lots of fishy fun.

Rick rwinscot , brought his Red Rover , a yellow dune buggy, and a blue RC buggy. We had a Dagu Doodle Bot on hand, which a lot of people found interesting. Barbara brought one of Chris the Carpenter 's Tadpole robots. Robot Workshops The big news was our workshop, though. By wonrobot Posted on 4 weeks ago. There were hundreds of school children participating in the same with very creative and […]. By wonrobot Posted on 1 month ago. One of the best parts of being a Member is that […].

By wonrobot Posted on 2 months ago. It was a long time almost three weeks! By wonrobot Posted on 3 months ago. The parent star is an ultra-cool red dwarf star […]. We love space, we love science, and we love making. And there is no better project than merging all our interests into one… and that was the idea behind […]. By wonrobot Posted on January 23,