Makerbot replicator 2 extruder clicking
We've just sent you an email to. Click the link to create a password, then come back here and sign in. Check that the material is not caught on anything at the back of the machine.
Sometimes filament can jump off the spool and wrap around the spool holder. Also check the spool is not stuck and can rotate freely. Make sure you keep the filament tight on the spool as you do this so that it does not get tangled.
Is the build plate too close to the extruder? If they're too close together, there may not be room for the plastic to come out of the extruder. This is a likely culprit if makerbot replicator 2 extruder clicking extruder stops extruding during the first or second layer of a makerbot replicator 2 extruder clicking. Is your extruder motor rotating? It is sometimes hard to see if it is rotating as it moves slowly so use a marker to draw a line across the end of the motor shaft visible at the back of the motor.
When the extruder is running, you should be able to see the shaft turning. It may sometimes reverse direction in order to retract filament, but during extrusion it should be makerbot replicator 2 extruder clicking at a slow but constant rate. If it does not turn, or stops turning, please open a support ticket and we'll help you figure out what's going on.
You can see here how to upgrade firmware on your MakerBot. You will probably need to take the guide tube out of the extruder and push the filament down to get it extruding. Once it is extruding leave it for a minute or makerbot replicator 2 extruder clicking then stop the process. Now try your print again and see how you get on. If while you are loading the filament you notice it is difficult to load or you notice that the plastic curls upwards as it is extruded from the nozzle then you may have a partial blockage.
You can see what to do for a blocked nozzle here. Another thing which can cause extrusion issues is the drive gear clogging with material. You can see here how to clean your drive gear Is the fan on the front of the extruder facing the right direction.
It should be blowing air over the heat sink and makerbot replicator 2 extruder clicking out towards you. One way to check is to put you face close to the fan and see if you can fee air blowing onto your face.
If you can then it is the wrong way around. What settings are you using for your 0. When you print at 0. If you start having success you can try increasing the speed. New and returning users makerbot replicator 2 extruder clicking sign in Sign in prestine. Your email address Check! I agree to the terms of service. Signed in as Sign out. Sign in Sign in Sign up Cancel. Your password has been reset. We have made changes to increase our security and have reset your password.
Please Login to Comment. I have seen this a few times. Do you have accurate callipers? When I have seen this, I have measured the diameter of the filament.
As you know, it is supposed to be 1. I have seen diameters as big as 2mm so the manufacturers quality control failed. This is just to fat and too much friction to drag the filament through. Anytime I have had a feed problem I immediately measure the filament. It has always been the cause when I've seen it.
It is a fairly rare occurrence nowadays. It can also be wound onto the roll badly and snagging making it difficult to pull it from the roll. Don't immediately blame your printer. It might not be at fault. It sounds like you might have a very small piece of filament stuck in your extruder.
In some cases, I have found that filament doesn't want to feed through. I have some craft wire 20 gauge that I like to cut a long piece of and try to poke through the area where the filament feeds in You should make sure you have preheated your machine before you do this.
Do NOT try to feed the makerbot replicator 2 extruder clicking through There is a small lever on top that you may need to hold open to get the wire to go into the hole.
Sometimes I get lucky and makerbot replicator 2 extruder clicking works. You will see some melted filament on the tip of the wire when you pull it back out. If makerbot replicator 2 extruder clicking try this, it may clear out any filament stuck in there. Afterwards, try to reload the filament. If it doesn't go in after this, you will need to take the fan off of the front, to be able to access the assembly on the inside to remove any filament that is stuck in there.
There are some good youtube videos on how to makerbot replicator 2 extruder clicking this. How old is your filament?
Might be an issue, they don't age well. They absorb moisture from air hydgroscopic and may need to be dried out or replaced. Shouldn't cause clogs, but if you haven't touched it in a while, something to consider.
Is it a rythmic "click-click-click" when you're trying to load the filament? If so, it could be the feeder motor not being able to grip or a molten blob tip not fitting through the opening. I find that cutting the tip of the filament to 45 degrees and then trying to feed it in again does the trick for that.
If that's not it and it happens at other times, you might have to disassemble the extruder makerbot replicator 2 extruder clicking and clean the feeder motor. Makerbot has videos on youtube showing you how. Also, depending on which version of the replicator 2 you have you might want to upgrade to the spring-loaded feeder http: Take a read of this article.
I am not affiliated with MatterHackers. They are a top-notch shop and really know their stuff! Lots of possibilities here. Temperature set incorrectly is one but there are others.
I've found most of the time it's a clogged nozzle and can happen if the printer sits for a while then you start to use it without dusting off things.
That is, dust on the filament can clog the nozzle. But again, it can be a number of things. Another possibility is your nozzle is clogged. You makerbot replicator 2 extruder clicking sometimes clean it out using the cold pull method.
Roughly, this means setting the temperature to about 20 degrees lower than normal then pushing filament into the hot end until it grips then pulling it out quickly.
Clearly, do this with the motor removed. Or, you can heat the hot end to normal temperature and let it cool down then do the cold pull method. Be sure to power off your printer before you remove the extruder motor. Never disconnect a stepper motor when the printer is powered on. I describe this technique and several other causes of feeding problems in my book, "Maintaining and Troubleshooting Your 3D Printer" and I specifically cover makerbot replicator 2 extruder clicking Rep2.
PM me for more specific questions if you'd like. I had this problem, try doing repeated loads and unloads of filament. Also, once you clear it make sure your slicer settings are set correctly. I found that the default on the replicator 2 was set to too high of makerbot replicator 2 extruder clicking temperature. Makerbot replicator 2 extruder clicking like you have something stuck in the heating exchange. The repeated loads and unloads can fix that some times.
Extruder gear not gripping filament. Dlab Apr 10, I hope this helps. Is your nozzle clogged? Heat it up, pull it off and hit it with a blow torch, until it glows.
You should be able to heat it up and push filament into the extruder and watch it come out the nozzle. Is your extruder plastic and slipping? If so, might not be enough pressure on the extrusion. Look at the metal Mark 8 extruders ebay. The stock plastic one can sag over time, or spring is weak - both will have reduced clamping force on the filament. If you are printing too close to the bed, it can block the extruder. Dlab - in reply to makerbotman Apr 12, Spring-loaded Replicator 2 Drive Block.
Dlab - in makerbot replicator 2 extruder clicking to stockweb Apr 12, Or, you can remove the nozzle and visually inspect it. Dlab - in reply to michaelrowe01 Apr 12,