My trading bot is amazing

So first let's get into what bot I am using and how much it costs. The bot my trading bot is amazing Profit Trailer and the price is a set fee with one licence for one exchange - 0. Best part is, it's a one time fee and you own it. No yearly or monthly fee's. I only use the one licence for Bittrex. I will soon be buying another one my trading bot is amazing Binance. I have been playing around with my settings, the settings I am running right now have been working pretty great!

Here is a screen shot of my sales log for the last couple of days, and the market has been kinda shitty. The bot is really easy to use and set up, there is a wiki page with full detailed instructions here: They also have a excellent community on My trading bot is amazing here: There are a few channels on YouTube that have some good info as well: Before you go ahead and buy this bot, Please make sure you do your research.

There are a few steps to do before you buy, and that is getting your api keys for the exchange you are going to use. To find your api key, follow these here: They are also on http: So far this bot is amazing and I will post my settings at a later time. Any questions feel free to leave a comment, Upvote and follow! Nancy - Trading Bot - Photo credits: Today marks day 7 of my trading bot and thought I would share some results.

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