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The aim of the study was to identify behaviours and conditions in Vietnam that increase the risk of humans and animals contracting this disease. Results from Tien Giang and Binh Phuoc provinces, where the study was conducted, indicate farmers and online trading academy student lobby keeperonline trading bot verification slaughterhouse workers online trading academy student lobby keeperonline trading bot verification low awareness of leptospirosis, even though researchers found that the disease was common in the pigs and humans tested.

Leptospirosis affects animals and humans worldwide. The most common way humans get the disease is through direct exposure to urine from infected animals or from contact with water contaminated with such urine.

People living in areas with open sewers, or that regularly flood, or that have poor hygiene are at particular risk. People who work or live with animals are at even greater risk. Animals that commonly acquire and spread leptospirosis include rodents, dogs and livestock. Leptospirosis stunts the growth of pigs and causes them to abort, leading to economic losses for pig owners and the pork industry as a whole.

People who develop the disease also suffer economic losses due to decreased productivity or missed work and the costs of seeking medical treatment. The research team tested more than people and pigs in Tien Giang and Binh Phuoc. A positive test indicated the person or animal had past contact with the causative pathogen. Discussions with community members in both provinces revealed that people were unfamiliar with the symptoms of leptospirosis, how it could harm them and their animals and ways they could prevent it.

As yet, no mechanism in Vietnam links disease reporting between animal and human health. This missing link makes it hard for researchers in both sectors to understand how changes in the environment or behaviour may affect leptospirosis online trading academy student lobby keeperonline trading bot verification other zoonotic diseases, which are passed between animals and humans.

The risk of leptospirosis spreading among animals can be reduced by separating them in several pens rather than keeping them altogether in large groups. Lucy Lapar, an ILRI agricultural economist based in Hanoi, said research should now be conducted on the economic burden of leptospirosis in Vietnam, which remains largely unknown. For more information about EcoZD, visit www. More information about the project is available on the EzoZD wiki.

Kenyan farmer Alica Waithira shares the responsibility for managing her farm with her family. Making sure her animals are healthy and productive is critical to her success photo credit: Women livestock keepers are key to global food security. Those working to support women in livestock development have just received some support of their own. Small livestock are particularly important to women as they contribute to household food security and provide much-needed funds for school fees and other family-related expenses.

In rural livestock-based economies, women represent two-thirds some million people of low-income livestock keepers. In Afghanistan, traditional backyard poultry activities are carried out entirely by women, who manage an average of 10 hens that produce some 60 eggs a year, sufficient for household consumption.

One result is that women get less household income than their menfolk do from livestock farming. The booklet is an outcome of a consultative training workshop held in November in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, involving four East African countries. The workshop participants shared and critically analysed country-specific experiences from a gender perspective. The booklet compiles this knowledge with the aim of helping livestock experts in the field to identify and address the main constraints faced by women and men both in managing small livestock and dairy farming.

The booklet includes a set of tips and gender analysis tools and a checklist that, through all the stages of a project cycle, offers gender-sensitive guidance. The Addis Ababa workshop was such a success that FAO is holding another regional training workshop this week 4—6 June in Bangkok attended by representatives from eight countries from Southeast Asia and Bangladesh; a second booklet, generated online trading academy student lobby keeperonline trading bot verification the Bangkok workshop, is planned.

Kathleen Colversonwho succeeded Jemimah Njuki as program leader at ILRI, is facilitating the livestock and gender workshop being held this week in Bangkok this week.

Understanding and integrating gender online trading academy student lobby keeperonline trading bot verification into livestock projects and programmes: A checklist for practitionersFAO, View the playlist below of recent ILRI posters and slide presentations related to gender issues in livestock research for development. Among other assignments, he has worked in South and Southeast Asia to enhance smallholder dairy and pig systems in particular.

He has a long-standing track record in making a difference in policy analysis and advocacy for inclusive and pro-poor smallholder livestock-based development. The workshop, Climate-smart agriculture in Asia: This group set itself three ambitious tasks: They then reviewed current understanding of how climate change is likely to impact Asian agriculture. They then agreed on what are the gaps in the solutions now available and which kinds of research and development should be given highest priority to fill those gaps.

Finally, they developed a plan for filling the gaps and linking scientific knowledge with policy actions at all levels. Post it in the Comment box, please! Pigs feeding at a farm in Vietnam: A project that evaluated pig production and marketing in Vietnam shows that supply shortages could be responsible for the current high prices of pork in the country. Supporting small-scale farmers to produce more pigs and improving pork distribution and marketing chains could hold the key to keeping rising prices of pork in the country in check.

Between December and JuneVietnam experienced a 22 per cent rise in the food price index a measure of the monthly change in international prices of a basket of food commodities. A spike in the prices of pork, a key part of the Vietnamese diet, was largely responsible for this rise in food costs. Government and pork industry online trading academy student lobby keeperonline trading bot verification in the country have blamed the rise in pork prices on both unregulated pork exports to China through cross-border trade and a rise in global food prices generally.

Even though industry stakeholders, including the government, say importing more meat and supporting large commercial producers will stabilize the pork market in Vietnam, research suggests that developing large farms to address supply constraints will not solve the price problem over the long-term. Many pressing challenges face the Vietnamese pork industry, including increasing feed prices and demand for pork, poor management of the pork value chain, concerns about pig diseases, difficulty finding piglets and online trading academy student lobby keeperonline trading bot verification inputs and poor veterinary and credit services.

Small-scale farmers in particular worry about pig diseases and the difficulty they face in getting hold of piglets and support services. These practices make small-scale pork production efficient in the long term, translating to better pries for consumers. To read more about the project and its findings, visit: A project funded by the Global Environment Facility has selected Vietnam, a country with a wealth of livestock diversity, as one of four countries in which to implement a project to conserve online trading academy student lobby keeperonline trading bot verification genotypes.

The diversity is deteriorating due to the popularization of new breeds together with the commercialization of livestock production. The project will train farmers on survey methods and data collection; on ways to maintain their use of indigenous animals; on livestock management; and on business skills in such areas as as tourism with traditional cuisine and cultural activities.

Basic information about valuable indigenous breeds and representative animals is needed, as is the capacity to prioritize, monitor and manage them at both scientific and farm operational levels. Stakeholder groups need to be empowered with knowledge and conducive operational environments in which they can make decisions that work best for them.

It is mostly smallholder farmers who are dependent on indigenous breeds. These animals have evolved in diverse tropical environments and possess valuable traits such as disease resistance, adaptation to harsh environments, including heat tolerance and ability to utilize poor quality feeds, attributes essential for achieving sustainable agriculture in low-input production systems.

In the meantime, crossbreeding with exotic breeds is increasing and indigenous breeds are being lost. The development objectives of this project are to help conserve the indigenous livestock of the partner countries for future generations and to help increase the contribution these native breeds make to the livelihoods of poor people. The first goal of the project is to develop and to make available effective tools to support decision making for the conservation and sustainable use of indigenous farm animals and their wild relatives in developing countries.

Securing sustainability through conservation and use of agricultural biodiversity: The UNEP-GEF contribution provides lessons from projects about useful tools for conserving and managing agricultural biodiversity over the long term.

Most of the extant indigenous livestock breeds today are found in pastoral herds and on small farms in developing countries. Understudied and insufficiently documented, many of the strengths and potential benefits of these tropical local breeds remain untapped. Each of the four countries where the project is implemented has a long history of use of indigenous livestock and a rich diversity of animals, including the wild relatives of domestic livestock, which provide additional genetic resources for breeding programs online trading academy student lobby keeperonline trading bot verification improve domestic animals.

By the time the project is completed, inthese partners aim to have developed breeding tools for use in low-input livestock production systems, cost-benefit analysis tools for comparing breeding programs for different indigenous breeds and populations, and analytical frameworks online trading academy student lobby keeperonline trading bot verification assessing policy and marketing options for farm animal genetic resources.

So far, with the input of local actors, including farmers, researchers and development agents, the Farm Animal Genetic Resources Project has developed baseline survey tools for assessing animal genetic biodiversity and constraints to its conservation.

These tools will also be used to assess marketing opportunities for indigenous animals and the contributions these animals make to rural livelihoods.

The project has also developed a flock and herd monitoring tool that helps to measure genetic and phenotypic diversity, to track genetic changes in livestock populations over time, and to capture the relations between indigenous domesticated animals and their wild relatives.

Read the complete report on the following link: In Viet Nam, small pig farmers raising 10 or fewer animals near their village households can remain competitive with larger pig producers if they continue to exploit their advantages over larger farmers. These advantages include their low labour costs and their ability to supply buyers with freshly slaughtered meat, a form most Vietnamese continue to prefer to the chilled or frozen meat from bigger piggeries.

ACIAR's representative in Viet Nam, Geoff Morris, speaking at a final workshop of the project held in Hanoi on 5 October online trading academy student lobby keeperonline trading bot verification, said that smallholder pig producers, who supply about 80 per cent of the pork marketed in Viet Nam, play a big role in the nation's economy. The research project identified policies that would help Viet Nam's many small pig farmers to raise their incomes and remain competitive in the face of growing imports of pork and official support for online trading academy student lobby keeperonline trading bot verification piggeries.

Another advantage small producers have over large ones is that the former spend less on feed for their animals. Lucy Lapar, an economist with ILRI, said that while feed accounts for two-thirds of the costs of raising pigs at small piggeries, this was much lower than at bigger farms because small operators tend to feed their pigs by-products from their own crops and to let their pigs forage. Bigger operators must buy relatively expensive, industrially processed, feed.

Among those employed in small-scale pig production are women and many others who would otherwise remain jobless. Conducting a consumer survey of 1, households to investigate the demand for pork, the researchers found that it accounts for 40 per cent of household expenditure on meat and that fresh pork remains preferable to chilled or processed meat.

The bad news, she says, is that, compared to large-scale pig producers, most small producers in the country have to deal with poor genetic stock, low-quality feed, animal illnesses, and insufficient market information and policy support. Pham Van Duy, from the Agriculture and Rural Development Ministry's Livestock Department, said that it is likely to become increasingly difficult for the nation's four million pig-raising households to online trading academy student lobby keeperonline trading bot verification to meet the growing demand for pork online trading academy student lobby keeperonline trading bot verification terms of both increasing their quantity and quality, both of which are being demanded by the country's consumers.

According to Viet Nam's General Statistics Office, the country's pork sales have steadily increased, from 1. For more information contact Lucy Lapar l. For a news clipping on this topic, see Viet Nam News: Small pig producers bring home the bacon9 October Competitiveness of smallholder pig producers in Vietnam.

Demand for pork by Vietnamese consumers: Implications for pro-poor livestock policy and development agenda in Vietnam. Future scenarios for pig sector development in Vietnam: Results from a policy simulation model. Significance and policy implications. The pork value chain in Vietnam: Emerging trends and online trading academy student lobby keeperonline trading bot verification for smallholder competitiveness and chain efficiency.

To reduce risks faced by poor communities to outbreaks of bird flu highly pathogenic avian influenzaexperts in Indonesia say poultry farmers, traders and transporters, as well as the general public, need to be better educated about the disease and its control. They also recommend strengthening the capacity of Indonesia's institutions to control the country's bird flu pandemic.