Opt for the crypto robots that trade smart for real

The New Year is already off to a great start with many of opt for the crypto robots that trade smart for real top cryptocurrencies setting new highs. While it is far from certain which will see the most growth in the coming year it is certain the digital currencies are gaining in popularity.

There are now more than altcoins and markets in which to trade them. Below you will find our list of the top 5 cryptocurrencies that you should be trading Ethereum — Ethereum is to Bitcoin what a smart phone is to a rotary phone. Where Bitcoin can dial up an address to deliver value Ethereum is able to support and deliver App-like smart contracts that allow users to digitize any type of financial instrument onto the block chain.

Over the next year it is expected to undergo system upgrades to enhance security and speed transaction times which will further enhance the value of the network. Litecoin — Litecoin is not an actual hard fork but it is the first and most established altcoin to tackle the issues with Bitcoin that Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Gold and Segwit2X have tried to fix.

While it is a stand alone and unique currency it is based almost entirely on the Bitcoin blockchain network, except for a few notable differences. These include a shorter block period, more total allowable coins, a different hashing algorithm and interface.

The changes allow for a faster and cleaner transaction that with BTC and easier interface between merchants and consumers. The tokens, OMG, will opt for the crypto robots that trade smart for real businesses, merchants and consumers in different nations to do business without the need and hassle of messy currency exchanges. The platform is in the early stages of roll out and is expected to opt for the crypto robots that trade smart for real live by the end of It is expected to see sharp increases in value as it meets milestones along its way to full launch.

The BRAVE browser is an security minded browser that allows you to search and view the web anonymously. This means that there is no data collection and no targeted ads which is where the BAT tokens come into play. Advertisers can pay publishers to host their ads AND pay users to view them, unlike the current Google dominated paradigm, that payment is of course in BAT tokens. The browser portion of the network is already launched with advertisers and publishers being onboarded daily.

IQOption hosts all these tokens for CFD trading on their original platform with plans to build a full cryptocurrency trading platform along side it. The new platform will be built on the OTN network and is under consrtuction right now. The OTN network is also a block chain with its own token, the OTN token; any trader using the IQOption platform for cryptocurrencies will be awarded free OTN tokens on a weekly basis as part of the pre-launch build up. The tokens will eventually be listed on major exchanges, tradable and exchangeable for CASH.

If you are searching for a Bitcoin broker which allows you to opt for the crypto robots that trade smart for real on the go as easily as at home, the following list will give you the best options available. Check out the best Bitcoin brokers with in-house mobile app for comfortable and secure mobile trading from everywhere. In the era of smart devices more and more users want to have access to bitcoin trading while they are on the go.

If you are using your phone during the day more time than your laptop, the mobile trading apps are designed for you. The applications are tailored specifically for smart devices, usually running on Android or iOS operating systems. They ease the trading activity from mobile phones. Mobile trading apps provide a quick and easy access to trading tools even while you are on the go.

The applications are more user friendly compared to web pages. They can have more functionality as well, like notifications and consume less mobile data compared to loading the desktop website. In order to use the mobile trading apps issued opt for the crypto robots that trade smart for real the bitcoin brokers you must have either an Android or iOS smart device.

Only limited amount of apps are available for Windows phone and Blackberry users. Also, the quality of the application is an important factor in the trading experience, if the app is keeping freezing at important trading moments, it can be very stressful on the long run.

Whaleclub have a very good mobile version of the website, which is automatically loaded when you visit the domain from your mobile device. Go to Whaleclub Read our Whaleclub Review. The apps give access to market analysis, order executions, price monitoring and depositing bitcoins to the account. The mobile version of the trading terminal offers the same essential features as the MT4 desktop terminal. The apps also send push notifications whenever an important market event occurs, while having access to indepth charts and analysis tools to place orders from anywhere you go.

The Bitfinex mobile app offers the opportunity to trade on the go. The mobile interface is very similar to the website. Go to Bitfinex Read our Bitfinex Review. The OKCoin website is not very mobile friendly, however they offer an inhouse app for iOS and Android users that can be downloaded from the App Stores. The application offer the same fuctionality as the web platform along with some exclusive features such as multi-account handling or daily notifications.

Coinbase offers Android and iOS applications for users who want to reach their bitcoin trading account from anywhere at anytime. The app has the same features as the website. You can buy and sell bitcoins in a secured way with the mobile wallet connecting a bank account or debit cards to it.

Go to Coinbase Read our Coinbase. The applications has the same functionaly as the website and also provides live notifications on market events, while enabling investment on the go. Go to Etoro Read our Etoro Review. Best Bitcoin Brokers With Own Bitcoin Trading App If you are searching for a Bitcoin broker which allows you to trade on the go as easily as at home, the following list will give you opt for the crypto robots that trade smart for real best options available.

Bitcoin Trading App — Advantages Mobile trading apps provide a quick and easy access to trading tools even while you are on the go. Limits of Mobile Trading Apps In order to use the mobile trading apps issued by the bitcoin brokers you must have either an Android or iOS smart device.