Pecunix bitcoin exchange rates

The system start time - As a multicurrency system Pecunix operates with 22 national currencies. Pecunix alternative currency is troy ounce of gold OAU. Pecunix is a kind of digital gold currency - the system operates with an electronic money unit, which provides the physical stocks of precious metals.

Actually, saving money on the system accounts can be regarded as an investment in gold. According to some sources, all precious metals are placed in special storage at Zurich Switzerland. Account registration is free and anonymous - confirmation of personal data is not required. The Global Digital Currency Association GDCA , which was founded in , is a non-profit association of online currency operators, exchangers, merchants and users.

On their website they claim their goal is to "further the interests of the industry as a whole and help with fighting fraud and other illegal activities, arbitrate disputes and act as escrow agent when and where required. It costs one gram of gold to file a complaint if you are not a member, and the list of filable complaints is not exhaustive. Their domain name is registered anonymously through domains by proxy , see whois. In each of these cases, account holders lost several million dollars' worth of gold when the "institution" failed.

A legal case was brought against e-gold in April that included violations of 18 U. In July , following a ruling from the court that effectively enshrined in case law the Treasury Department 's expansion of the definition of " money transmitter ", e-gold entered into a plea agreement that detailed actions required to bring the companies into compliance with laws and regulations governing operation of a money transmitting business.

Although e-gold complied with all other terms of its plea agreement, [5] it was not able to obtain money transmitting licenses due to its guilty plea. In April 27, , a US court ordered e-gold to freeze or block the e-gold accounts 1mdc used to back the digital gold currency it issued.

E-Bullion was a digital-gold currency exchange that had risen, then become defunct around In August , James Fayed, the owner and chief executive official of the E-Bullion Company, was taken into United States Federal custody to face felony charges of conducting unlicensed money transactions and the murder of his business partner. Shortly thereafter, the website ceased to be available.

As a consequence of these charges, by January the U. Government had seized all of the assets of e-Bullion, resulting in the complete closure of the company. Pecunix was a gold based digital currency or e-currency in which accounts had balances in GAU gold grams. Pecunix was founded by Simon "Sidd" Davis in , and was registered and incorporated in Panama. Davis described the development of the Voucher-Safe software and peer-to-peer network for the exchange of digital currencies.

By the end of , all legitimate digital currency exchangers had ceased dealing with Pecunix. In early , Pecunix disabled the log-in feature of their website, thereby preventing all users from accessing their accounts. A statement on the Pecunix website claimed that this was a temporary change "due to new management and restructuring", but access was never restored. Account holders never recovered their funds. Digital gold systems are completely dependent on electronic storage and transmission of account ownership information.

While the digital gold issuers employ data security experts to protect their systems, the average accountholder's computer is poorly protected against malware trojans, worms and viruses that can be used to intercept information used to access the user's DGC account. Therefore, the most common attacks on digital currency systems are directed against accountholders' computers by the use of malicious spam , phishing and other methods.

Issuers have taken quite different approaches to this problem. E-gold basically places the entire responsibility on the user, and employs a user-name and password authentication system that is weak and highly vulnerable to interception by malware. Though it is the most common authentication method used by online banks. The "not our problem" approach to user security has negatively contributed to e-gold's public image, as not a few e-gold accounts have been hacked and swept clean by attackers..

E-bullion does not require customers to use the Cryptocard, so account holders who choose not to get one may suffer from the same security issues as e-gold customers. Pecunix devised a unique rotating key system that provides many of the benefits of a security token without requiring the user to buy one. Pecunix also supports the use of PGP signatures to access an account, which is probably the strongest of all authentication methods. Digital gold currency is a form of representative money as it directly represents gold metal on deposit or in custody.

This depends on the issuer. Most issuers have the gold on deposit - i. Just as the exchange rates of national currencies fluctuate against each other, the exchange rates of DGCs fluctuate against national currencies, which is reflected by the price of gold in a particular currency. This creates exchange risk for any account holder, in the same way one would experience exchange risk by holding a bank account in a foreign currency.

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The account creation process is extremely fast rates you will You can immediately access all the benefits of the Pecunix system, from shopping to retailing to exchanging currencies. After registering as a Clientexchange can get and increase the cumulative discount, which allows significant savings in the next exchanges! Maybe Pecunix should have posted here pecunix before I bitcoin about it in exchange IRC, to let people know what it's about.

We use dynamic system of discounts:. Your investments in our hands are a firm under protection. Pecunix is a gold based currency and payment solution that allows people on opposite sides of the world to make and receive payments instantly via the Internet. Because gold has an internationally agreed value, Pecunix is a system that is perfectly suited to the specific demands of e-commerce. In other words, every currency unit in the Pecunix system is supported at all times by an equivalent amount of gold, which itself is stored in an independently monitored, internationally approved storage vault.

The idea of using gold to underwrite an Internet payment system is not new:. GBICs have now processed billions of dollars in Internet transactions, and that figure will only get larger as more consumers and merchants tune into the benefits of using gold as a payment medium.

Pecunix is, however, unique among GBICs.