Pubs in exmouth market

Since I wrote the article the Pakenham has got even better by adding a range of Belgian bottled beers. I did say that no games available but further inspection has revealed that both darts and cribbage are. However Churchills only uses the extended hours if there is sufficient custom to justify it, otherwise they close at 11p.

It is closed at weekends but is available for hire. The pub is pubs in exmouth market by Greene King and the full range of their beers is available. It is a slightly up-market, city centre pub with a pool table at the back and the normal range of pub food is available.

Most of the memorabilia decorating the pub is of a show business nature. On some weekday mornings there is apparently a French Market here although I have never been there for th.

The former is a Victorian style pub with a heavy emphasis on food and wine. The latter, which was formerly called the Queen's Head, is a keg pub with no handpumps. The only extension to normal opening hours is an extra hour to midnight on Thursday and Friday. It is a large pub with two separate bar areas and there are two pool tables in the back area. The barmaid has the odd habit of serving halves into a half-lined pint glass. Last year it was refurbished in a more modern style and all the rugby memorabilia removed.

The pub opens normal licensing hours with no extensions and may close early on a Sunday if there is no trade. They did try opening early for breakfast but failed to attract sufficient custom to make it worthwhile. Leaving O'Hanlon's brings me into Exmouth Market itself. At the eastern end of the Market was the London Spaa former Young's and Finch's pub, now a keg only tapas bar and the Rosebery, now a Pizza Pubs in exmouth market.

Next to the Pizza Express is a Greek restaurant where I notice a poster that apparently says Pubs in exmouth market beer gives you strength. However closer inspection reveals that it says Keo beer, Keo being a Greek lager brand sometimes available in Greek and Greek Cypriot restaurants.

No real ale or draught beers of any sort are available but bottle-conditioned Hoegaarden is available, served with a slice of lemon. Although this not a real ale establishment it is an interesting place to visit and if you did enjoy playing table football in your student days you might enjoy a trip here. It was certainly pubs in exmouth market crowded on the night I visited. The owners have another such pubs in exmouth market in Shoreditch High Street.

Pubs in exmouth market for a licence and planning permission have been made for a bar but no work has started on it pubs in exmouth market. A large number of pump clips of previous guest beers decorate the bar but no guest beer is currently available.

There are a few articles about the pub from local newspapers displayed on the walls. One of these bemoans the fact that of four traditional pubs that were in the market only the Exmouth is left.

The others are about the pubs involvement in the annual Market Festival. Although the Exmouth does not open late it does open at 9. Just past the Exmouth is Al's Bara modern keg only bar and at the western end of the Market is the Penny Black which closed as a pub over two years ago. The upstairs floors have been converted into flats but nothing has happened to the ground floor yet and it may reopen pubs in exmouth market a bar.

Next to the Penny Black is the Golden Fish Bar, a fish and chip shop that I can recommend if you want something to soak up all the beer pubs in exmouth market have drunk.