Pure arrow storm build ragnarok bot

When camouflage status ends your attack power, critical, and defense returns to normal. Until you re-use the skill to cancel its effect, it will continually drain SP. With a high enough level you can use the skill without being near an obstacle.

When used against an immobile status target Ankle Snare, Electric Shocker, Warg Bite effect , deals a huge amount of damage.

Deals additional damage based on the size of the target. The skill will fail if you do not have enough arrows. Using this skill cancels the immobile status. During the duration has a chance of increasing the number of attacks. When you deal additional hits, it consumes additional arrows. Immediately activates a trap on the ground.

It can be used with both Hunter and Ranger traps. However, you cannot detonate traps of another player. Increased skill level increases the chance to status. To use the skill you need 1 Special Alloy Trap. Increased skill level increases the chance to Freeze. Electric Shocker cannot be removed with the hunter skill [Remove Trap].

To place you need 1 Special Alloy Trap. A monster that steps on this trap has its attribute changed to fire property. A monster that steps on this trap has its attribute changed to water property. A monster that steps on this trap has its attribute changed to earth property. A monster that steps on this trap has its attribute changed to wind property.

Does not affect boss type monsters or players, and consumes 1 Wind of Vedure and a Special Alloy Trap. A maximum of 3 Cluster Bombs can can be placed at once. The trap detonates in an area 5 cells in front away from the trap layer and a width of 5 cells. The trap can be activated via Detonator. There are no actual "must get" items. However, there is a "must get" enchant which is tied to a temporal boot, and that is the Lucky Day enchant. Check the item list provided above for recommended cards, and alternative equipment slots Important thing to note is that Warg Strike does not scale with range damage modifiers only with ATK.

This build is as laid back as it gets for a ranger. Damage will come from the Warg Strike procs and casting Arrow Storm whenever it's up. Don't expect to be using a Bow with this build. The main weapon of use will be a dagger. Achieving minimum ASPD is the goal with this build. Hitting is very unlikely with out external buffs or HE proc. Swapping is crucial for this play style, I highly recommend to also carrying a full WoE set and a feather beret to mitigate damage when needed.

Besides that, spam your warg away Constant use of Camouflage will further improve your survival. Turn into a sniper, turn in your first gramps quest. Work in progress Ranger. Retrieved from " https: Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in.

Views Read View source View history. Recent changes Random page Wiki Help. This page was last modified on 6 December , at This page has been accessed , times. Can also go off passively. Set a trap that will cause an enemy to slide in a certain direction once it is triggered. Increases all stats by 5 regardless of skill level. Has very long cast time Level 5. Increase the entire party's move speed and flee for the skills duration.

Shoot a magic arrow without requiring actual arrows and pushes the enemy 3 cells backward. Increases attack power and resistance against brute, insect, and fish monsters. Deal high damage to an immobile target, releasing the immobilization. Damage depends on size. Gives the user a chance to shoot several arrows rapidly by chance when attacking. Tos has no real endgame. In ro I play woe since Its still fun what offer tos? DB RKs are kinda like our Cyclone only meta Dopps here in ToS, one push of a button and the rest of their skill sets are just decorations.

Well i dont like the db rk too. Thats why i play gx now. Im too invested to switch my cls now sadly lol. I was talking 'bout WoE. For MvP we had Genetics and other broken things. One minute of one-shoting everything with the proper equipement.