Redditor ethereum reddit

I will also redditor ethereum reddit the raw data and the spreadsheets I used to process the data below if any of you are interested. One month ago I posted a survey of over 40 questions to a range of different cryptocurrency subreddits and collected just over responses. This post took me over 20 hours of work to make so any donations are greatly appreciated, but don't feel obliged!

You have completed some achievement on Steemit and have been rewarded with new badge s:. Full results report here How do steemit redditor ethereum reddit compare to reddit users? Click on any badge to view your own Board of Honor on SteemitBoard. I am a robot. Click on any badge to view your own Board of Honor on SteemitBoard.

By upvoting this notification, redditor ethereum reddit can help all Steemit users. If you would like to fill out the survey, you can do that here. I am a robot. If you want to read through the full report I made or want to see the rest of the graphs, I have left a link to the report where you can find them near redditor ethereum reddit top of this post.

Since then I have processed the data and taken a look at the different demographics, opinions and portfolios of different users as well redditor ethereum reddit comparing the results from different subreddits. Which Subreddit has the highest rate of ICO investment? Raw data and spreadsheets.

If you want to take a look redditor ethereum reddit the graphs redditor ethereum reddit read the discussion, they can be found in the full report. This post took me over 20 hours of work to make so any donations are greatly appreciated, but don't feel obliged! If you want to take a look at the graphs or read the discussion, they can be found in the full report. This post is the results of this survey.

Since then I have processed the data and taken a look at the different demographics, opinions and portfolios of different users as well as comparing the results from different subreddits. Click on any badge to view your own Board of Honor on SteemitBoard. This redditor ethereum reddit took me over 20 hours of work to make so any donations are greatly appreciated, but don't feel obliged!