Robot chicken indiana jones raiders of the lost ark arcade

You may want to ask yourself how I've come up with these prices? Ive been collecting, buying and selling games since the 90s. I keep track of prices on ebay, auctions, transactions between collectors. The prices are based on dedicated machines factory original unless otherwise stated. These are actual prices i've gotten on machines or prices i've seen the games sell for. Some of you may not agree with my prices, but I can assure you I have done my research.

These are actual prices ive seen with my own eyes or actual prices ive received on stuff. Ive seen some stuff sell for a lot less and in the past ive seen stuff sell for a lot more.

So just use this as a reference. Looks to be restored, but has slight fading on the cabinet. Notice the green showing on the cabinet. No Budweiser stickers on Handles. Needs overlay and highly Faded.

Afterburner Cockpit- Huge dedicated game. Both Blue and Teal version teal is more rare. Astrofantasia - Upright dedicated game. Extremely hard to find. Blasted Robot chicken indiana jones raiders of the lost ark arcade - Dedicated Upright.

Blue Print - Dedicated cocktail. Wide price range I know. Crazy Taxi Sega - Dedicated Upright game. Cyberball Tournament - vs. Demolition Derby Bally - Dedicated Upright. Demolition Derby Bally - Dedicated 4 player version. Cocktail around the same price. Cocktail version a little less desireable. Eliminator 4 Player - Dedicated cocktail XY game.

Exterminator Gottlieb - Dedicated Upright. Cocktails dedicated go for around the same price. Hot Rod - dedicated upright. Joust - Dedicated cocktail. Board is worth more alone. Offroad Ivan Stewart's - Dedicated 3 player upright. Panic Park - 25" dedicated. Shoot the Bear - Seeburg. Very rare and highly collectible.

Space Odyssey - Convert-a-cab upright. More with Empire strikes back kit. Stargate - Dedicated Mini. Strider - Dedicated upright game. Collector less on craigslist price. Super Mario Bros 1, 2, 3 - Conversion upright game. Tempest - with or without Tempest Tubes. Terminator 2 - Judgement day - dedicated upright gun game. Terra Cresta - upright arcade game. Time Pilot '84 - Conversion game.

Taito rotatary games up in value! Tokio - Upright conversion game. Trog - Dedicated upright game. Up N Down - dedicated upright. Up N Down - dedicated cocktail. Ultra rare Pinball game by Williams. War of the Worlds - Dedicated cinematronics XY game. Wizard of Wor - dedicated robot chicken indiana jones raiders of the lost ark arcade game.

Wizard of Wor - dedicated cocktail. Street Fighter - Conversion game. X-men Children of the Atom - Conversion game. Zero Gunner - Dedicated Upright game. Zero Gunner 2 - Dedicated Sega cabinet. Quality and Condition comparison: I have decided to add some pix to show the difference between games and value.

Above Color Tapper, Cabinet unfaded and no water damage. No fading or water damage. Highly faded with repro overlay. Anti-Aircraft - Dedicated Upright. Apache 3 - Dedicated Upright. Assault - Dedicated upright. Bloody Roar Raizing - Upright Conversion. Collector price Brix Cinematronics - Dedicated Upright game. Car Polo Exidy - Dedicated Upright. Cheeky Mouse Universal - Dedicated Upright.

Clowns Midway - Dedicated Upright. Devil Zone Universal - Dedicated Upright. Mania Challenge - Conversion game. Millipede - Dedicated cocktail. Do's Castle - conversions. O Offroad - Dedicated 2 player upright.

Offroad track pack - Dedicated 3 player upright. Offroad Challenge - Dedicated sit down. Pyros - Conversion upright. Sinistar - Dedicated duramold. Only ever made. Splatterhouse - conversion upright game. Stunt Cycle - dedicated robot chicken indiana jones raiders of the lost ark arcade.

Super Dodgeball - Conversion upright game. Dedicated sit down two monitor. Tag-Team Wrestling - upright conversion. Tekken V- Dedicated Upright. Terra Diver - STV conversion game. Tetris - Dedicated upright game. Thayers Quest - Upright game. Thunder blade - dedicated arcade game. Thunder Cross - conversion upright game. Thunder Cross 2 - conversion upright game. Thunder Dragon - conversion upright game.

Thunder Dragon 2 - conversion upright game. Tiger-Heli - conversion upright game. Time Killers - upright game. Time Traveler - arcade machine.

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