Robot icon-icon microsoft word

A bot behaves slightly depending on what kind of conversation robot icon-icon microsoft word is involved in. Also, drawing too much attention to minor user mistakes is contrary to the Windows tone. Some issues can be presented as an error, warning, or information, depending on the emphasis and phrasing.

If they don't match, change or remove the icon. Note The feedback system for this content will be changing soon. By continuing to browse this site, you agree to this use. Collapse the table of content.

Microsoft Teams supports most of the Microsoft Bot Framework. Because context is a significant factor in icon usage, the standard icon guidelines in this article are given in terms of their context. By continuing to browse this site, you agree to this use.

Make sure the meaning and the tone of each standard icon matches the meaning and the tone of its context. Use for all errors. This documentation is archived and is not being maintained. For example, suppose a Web page cannot load an unsigned Robot icon-icon microsoft word control based on the current Windows Internet Explorer configuration:.

If you are just looking for a way to simply extend your team by integrating with custom tools and services robot icon-icon microsoft word a secure manner, check out our outgoing webhook feature. The remainder of this section explains how to think about standard icons in order to avoid these common mistakes. These packages extend the basic Bot Builder classes and methods:. Read error icons as "error!

Consequently, minor user input errors are usually displayed without an error icon. For non-critical system events. While severity isn't a consideration robot icon-icon microsoft word choosing among the error, warning, and information icons, severity is a factor in determining if a standard icon should be used at all. Craft the main instruction or other corresponding text based on that focus, and then choose an icon standard or otherwise that matches the text. Don't use standard icons for non-critical errors.