Soundcloud epicenter bitcoin wiki

What if there was a way to bring more liquidity to global supply chains, by allowing anyone to create liquidity from their existing assets. Sweetbridge acts as a sort of OSI model for global business. In the Sweetbridge economy, working capital is freed up by enabling individuals and organizations to borrow from themselves interest-free.

We discussed how the Singapore ecosystem evolved, why it became a popular place to locate cryptocurrency project, its current regulatory framework. We also dove into some of the projects he is currently involved in including one involving tokenizing cows! Later, he was a core developer at Bitpay and even tried to put a Bitcoin node on a satellite in space.

Today, he is co-founder at Bloq, a company providing enterprise-grade blockchain infrastructure. Bloq recently announced a new project called Metronome that challenges some of the design and governance principles of many public blockchain networks.

Metronome is cryptocurrency that sits on top of existing blockchains and aims to allow tokens to easily move from one network to the other. A series of standard blockchain contracts allow for daily descending price auctions to occur automatically, and for users to buy and sell the tokens using a Bancor-like system with built-in liquidity. That decentralized networks represent a massive investment opportunity is no longer a controversial view.

In the last year alone, over funds dedicated to investing in cryptoassets have been created. But the principles and frameworks to understand this new world are still in its infancy. One fund at the forefront of advancing this understanding has been Multicoin Capital. Their Founders Kyle Samani and Tushar Jain joined us to discuss some of the concepts they use to invest in decentralized networks. Decentralized exchanges have been a holy grail in the cryptocurrency space, since at least the MtGox hack.

They promise to derisk the act of exchanging cryptocurrency by leaving custody of funds in the hands of the users.

And they should be resistant to regulatory pressure, creating a permissionless way to trade cryptocurrencies. Among decentralized exchange projects, 0x has gained by far the most traction in the short time since launching. A fundamentally new kind of blockchain platform, RChain is rooted in a formal model of concurrent and decentralized computation.

Powered by the Rho Virtual Machine, and secured by Casper proof-of-stake, RCain is partitioned, or shareded by default, forming a network of coordinated and parallel blockchains. The project, which is formed as a coop, leverages correct-by-construction software development to produce a concurrent, compositional, and massively scalable blockchain.

Zeppelin Co-Founder and CTO Manuel Araoz joined us to discuss his journey from building one of the first non-financial Bitcoin applications in to improving development and security practices for Ethereum smart contracts. Hashgraph is a new consensus algorithm that radically differs from proof-of-work as well as proof-of-stake consensus algorithms. The Hashgraph team claims that it has found an optimal consensus algorithm design that will be impossible to significantly improve upon.

Our conversation covered the origin story of hashgraph, how it compares to existing consensus algorithms and how Hashgraph works. Over the past year, cryptoassets have exploded in popularity.

A significant part of the modern digital economy, is underpinned by machine learning models that are trained to perform tasks such as facial recognition, content curation, health diagnostics etc. This model has many consequences such as loss of privacy for the user, consolidation of data in a handful of large companies, low access to data for startups and a fundamental impossibility of collecting sensitive data such as markers for depression.

Our guest, Andrew Trask, is building OpenMined — a platform that merges cryptographic techniques such as homomorphic encryption and multi-party computation and blockchain technology to create the ability to train ML models with private user data.

OpenMined will allow AI companies of the future to develop models, have them trained on user data without compromising user privacy, and incentivise users to train their model.

Blockchain technologies are changing the way we think about data archival and storage. For instance, most database systems can only capture the current state of a data set. This means we must rely on secondary backup systems to ensure historical data can remain accessible, a stark contrast from what the most basic of blockchains provide out of the box. Database systems that offer immutability and historical context for data would be greatly beneficial for companies as it would make internal and external audits much less costly and time-intensive.

Flip and Brian join us to talk about their new company, Fluree. Their product, FlureeDB, is a scalable graph database which provides the benefits of blockchain technologies, such as immutability, replayability and fault tolerance.

Currently, in development, the goal for FlureeDB is to support various consensus rules based on the network configuration: Cryptocurrencies can be seen as a way for people in developing countries to participate in the global financial market by allowing easy cross-border payments, cheap remittance transactions, and simplified lending options.

BitPesa provides companies in frontier markets with the financial infrastructure to facilitate commerce and payments, where traditional financial markets are known to be fractured and expensive. As an early Bitcoin company founded in , BitPesa is now present in a handful of African countries and provides essential financial services to businesses, allowing them to send and collect payments, and perform quick and affordable Forex trades.

We discuss how the global non-profit institution leverages innovative technology to solve real-world problems in humanitarian work. Every week they interview people in the cryptocurrency world and are helping to promote the growth of Bitcoin in Europe.

Every week, we bring you new exciting discutions with some of the brightest minds in the space. This is an archived post. Bitcoin Linksammlung Bitcoinschule Bitcoin Linksammlung. Below are some of the videos explaining the technologies at the protocol level and a panel explaining at a practical level at the FSR which has an audience with an aggregated asset under management of over Home The LTB Network provides a tokenized platform for podcasts articles, projects building the new digital economy , people, forums about the ideas the future of money.

Listen for free to their radio shows DJ mix sets Podcasts. Mastering Bitcoin by Epicenter. Epicenter Bitcoin is a show about the technologies projects startups driving the cryptocurrency revolution. The enclosed list is taken from my book Down the Rabbit Hole: Discover the power o. This episode also spawned a number of comments over at Reddit this past. Hackers have also created concerns, stealing as much as70 million from the cryptocurrency marketplace NiceHash. Mining on the other hand you get a proportional reward every time the pool finds a block.

The ultimate forecasting CryptoPotato. Everything that can be Decentralized will be Decentralized' David A. There is some great discussion on ther btc subreddit and on the EpiCenter Podcast for enthusiasts.

Bitcoin Weekly February Epicenter Podcast on Blockchain Ethereum, Bitcoin. We interviewed Brian Crain cohost of the podcast, Epicenter Bitcoin where he interviews people in the cryptocurrency world.

Why Bitcoin Needs A Measured. You won t be able to vote or comment. Most important innovation since the internet was invented. Gnosis the decentralized prediction market platform and oracle. It s been broadcasting for a couple of years and has built up a healthy backlog of material to work through. Media Blockchain Australia De v SHA 51 sha badge. The deal bringsnew, original short form programming produced by Disney to be made. For more information on licensing the platform for your business your nation , your blockchain.

Some distributed ledger applications eg cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, relying on single trusted entities ; the user experience is definitely inferior ; , are disruptive: How can I buy bitcoin easily. The youtube channel of the author of Mastering Bitcoin. Org Its founder Alex Morcos joined us to talk about his own journey from high frequency trading to discovering Bitcoin and starting Chaincode. Open Bazaar on Epicenter Bitcoinyoutube. It s also a problem in South Korea the global epicenter for cryptocurrency where the bitcoin exchange Youbit filed for bankruptcy on Wednesday after cyber thieves raided a fifth of its.

Md at master tombusby. The goal of this group is to connect bitcoin entrepreneurs and help build an ecosystem of bitcoin startups in Berlin. WIRED s feature length documentary looks beyond Tel Aviv s vibrant liberal tech epicenter to the Palestinian territories, where a parallelstartup nation' story is emerging in East Jerusalem, Nazareth. Org en bitcoin paper.

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