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Countless hours of preparation finally came together at the United Nations Foundation offices in Washington, DC, with 24 of our members gathering to celebrate the vast accomplishments of our inaugural year, as well as the many people that made it possible. Other awards presented included: After short intermissions and an exciting display of talent by Secretary General, Veronica Dulinthe various Undersecretary Generals gave their farewell addresses, and the new administration was officially introduced.

Without their efforts and the efforts of all of our amazing members, we would not have been able to accomplish so much in such a short time.

Looking forward to the future, we are excited to see where the coming years will take us! As a special celebration of Earth Day as well as wrapping up our first year, UNA-Georgetown hosted its 5th and final General Assembly of the year on the subject of climate change. Sahar gave an engaging talk about the importance of the youth in the movement for dealing with climate change, in addition to discussing the current processes that are under way in preparation for the various upcoming environmental conferences within the next couple years.

Wali, with the latest UN papers being released with information about climate change, in addition to the upcoming summits in Lima and Paris, it is crucial now more than ever to be informed and involved in the process of working against climate change. Because of this, it is important that as many people as possible spread the word and take part in projects and social media campaigns to raise awareness about the issue and keep people informed.

If you would like to find out more about the latest on climate change, check out this websiterun by Climasphere and recommended by Sahar herself. The Universal Periodic Review, coordinated by the United Nations Human Rights Council, brings together the countries of the United Nations every four years to evaluate the human rights practices of an individual country. Because the United States will soon be under review, a set of consultations has begun across the country with civil society groups, NGOs, as well as the U.

Government in order to better understand what complaints and comments must be brought to the table in Cooper provided not only a captivating lecture, but facilitated stimulating discussion, and UNA-Georgetown was delighted to present him with honorary membership to our organization. To learn more about Mr. Today the United Nations Association of Georgetown celebrates its first birthday.

An organization established on idea that the youth of this world needs to believe and support the United Nations, one of the few organizations with the power to unite the world. Thanks to their support and that of partners such as the Better World Campaign, UNA-Georgetown has been able to gain international recognition. From nine founding members, the organization has reached thousands worldwide.

UNA-Georgetown is proud to have members from six continents, speaking a multitude of languages, and coming from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, truly representing the United Nations. While we have undoubtedly struggled during our founding year, we continue to rise and push the envelope when it comes to youth advocacy for the United Nation and involvement in international affairs.

Passion for international cooperation has always existed and UNA-Georgetown has ignited the movement to showcase the work of young people everywhere. The potential future of the organization remains unlimited and unmatched. We hope to continue to educate, communicate, and advocate on behalf of the Unite Nations for years to come. The talk consisted mostly of a discussion of LGBT rights in Russia as this was one of the most public issues both leading up to and during the Olympic gamesbut also covered a range of other issues, from the effects of the games on a country's infrastructure to the accusations of corruption in the judging process.

This Hot Talk proved that the seemingly unrelated fields of high-level sports competition and international relations can, in fact, be on the same field when it comes to the game of building community between states. To keep up to date on the latest events from UNA Georgetown as well as other international news, be sure to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook.

Our partnership looks to the future to encourage high school students to apply to Georgetown to join our organization in setting examples for other Campus Advocacy groups. We were the first ever Georgetown student organization to visit the United Nations Headquarters, and the largest single group in attendance. Our delegation came from 11 different countries representing all 4 schools at Georgetown. At Member's Day, our delegation had the opportunity to hear from officials working in a variety of different areas at the United Nations or for an affiliate.

Members Veronica Dulin, Patricia Stupp, and Nicholas Perez were able to ask questions to the panelists during the conference. Chris Whatley, president of the UNA-USA and a Georgetown alumnus was an inspirational speaker who reaffirmed the importance of the United Nations in his speeches throughout the conference. Among others, our team also had the privilege to meet an inspirational human rights activist by the name of Queen Mother who showed our group incredible kindness and asked to join us in our group picture.

The interesting dialogue covered various topics including North Korea's recent regime alterations, the transformations of North Korean society, the relationship between China and North Korea, the political prisons and human rights violations, and the psychology of everyday North Korean people among other discussions.

Focusing on introducing the goals and upcoming plans of UNA Georgetown to students who were interested in the club, but missed out on our exciting fall semester, the meeting showed a gathering of steam as the group gained new members. The United Nations Association of Georgetown, nearing its one year anniversary in April, has an even more exhilarating spring semester in its sights, with events such as a trip to the United Nations Headquarters in New York City, another advocacy day on Capitol Hill, and even a spring gala.

Miss out on the general interest meeting, but still want to know more about UNA Georgetown and the things we're doing? The purpose of the advocacy session was to ask Senators to vote for the ratification of the international treaty known as the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Call your Senator today to advocate for the treaty's ratification in Congress! For office numbers, visit here: Hosted in a small group setting, attendees enjoyed hot chocolate and an even hotter topic: This relaxed setting fostered great discussion about not only the current issues in Syria, but also similar issues across the globe. If you missed this great talk, keep an eye out for information on our next hot talk.

Also, make sure to attend our next General Assembly this Thursday, November 21 at 8pm! Thinking about becoming a member? Thanks to special guest speaker Monika Johnson of our partner organization UNA-USA, who prepared the presentation, the group learned about important information, such as public opinion of the United Nations, and how that affects America's role in international diplomacy.

Thanks to everyone who attended, and keep an eye out for information on our next General Assembly! We hope to hear your input! If you are interested in joining in on the research, e-mail Cathie Chen to see how you can get involved at: The meeting started with introductions, covered the UNA Georgetown Constitution, and then we left it to the Board to vote on a series of topics for our General Assembly Meeting on October 17th.

The topic selected by the Board for our first G. What does Peace mean to you? Interested in being a permanent Cabinet member for our Education, Advocacy, Communications, or Funding committees?

Submit your application telling us how you plan to be an asset to our organization, and how your experience will enhance the goals of the committee you are applying to. The brief applications are now live on the "Board" page on this website.

Applications are due Thursday Sept. Please make sure to submit your application by Remember that in order to get an interview you must have paid your membership dues. The meeting will be held in the same location Kennedy Multipurpose Room on Wednesday September 18th at 8: Refreshments will be served around 9: There is no need to attend this meeting if you already attended the meeting on the 12th. Thank you to everyone that came out to hear about us at our First General Interest Meeting!

We had fun presenting ourselves, and giving a more complete description of our goals and plans as an organization. Applications close midnight on Sunday the 22nd.

It has been officially announced that our 1st General Interest Meeting will be held this Thursday September 12th at 7: This meeting will outline the plan our organization has for the school year.

We will be covering our calendar of events, club procedures and processes, and board positions available. We hope to see many familiar faces at our 1st General Interest Meeting! Click here to edit title. After our first year of educating, advocating, and communicating on behalf of youth and the United Nations, UNA-Georgetown has made huge strides as an organization. We are proud to attend UNA-USA's Annual Meeting for the first time this year and establish contacts and connections that will no doubt be invaluable in the future.

Secretary-General Veronica Dulin and Deputy Secretary-General Rachel Brooks spoke at the conference on the first day about best practices for Campus Advocates and youth engagement, as well as social media strategies and the organization's use of video for promotion purposes. Despite all of the great tips that we have earned even after just the first day and the incredible people we have met, the greatest source of pride comes from being honored by UNA-USA.

As an organization we are incredibly proud to have not on ly accomplished so much in just one year, but incredibly honored to be the first campus advocate group to receive national recognition of this caliber. We would like to thank all of our dedicated members and supporters for the endless hours of work they have put in to get us to this point. The award belongs not to an administration, but to those who have supported us throughout our first year.

First semester, students went to speak with members of the Senate to advocate the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities CRPD as well as to enforce that the United States should continue to play a role in the international community through the United Nations.

This semester, members met with Congressmen and women from the House of Representatives to push for increased funding for the international spending portion of the upcoming budget.

Members of UNA-Georgetown as well as representatives from Catholic University and UNA-USA all took part in the democratic process by pushing for comprehension of these very important facts, and met with a large number of great staffers and congresspeople who were in accordance. Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter!

Some members of UNA-Georgetown were fortunate enough to act as volunteers for the conference, and worked with the students discuss their position papers as well as facilitate discussion about the issue in question. The attending members commented that it was great to be able to get involved with the next generation of students who have an interest in international affairs.

The first step to improvement is acknowledging the potential for change. Discussion everything from the policies and stature of the nations within the P5 to the Campaign for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly, the group concluded that in a rapidly changing and intensely diverse world, it is time to modernize the way the voices of the people are heard on this world stage. Looking to keep up with UNA Georgetown as we prepare for our final General Assem bly of the session and move towards our closing Gala?

Be sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on T witter! After a presentation by Youth Engagement Manager Monika Johns on, current Secretary General Jonathan Dromgoole gave a presentation on the founding and structure of UNA-Geor getown, as well as how we have been able to achieve such a high level of success in just one year.

After speaking with the representatives from the other schools, UNA-Georgetown looks forward to aiding these groups as they work to establish their own respective campus advocate programs, and partnering with them in the future.

On Thursday March 20th, UNA Georgetown assembled to celebrate our first anniversary as well as the International Day of Happiness with our fourth general assembly on the subject of Disputed Territories!

Discussion topics ranged from continuing humanitarian aid to citizens to facilitating discussion between the two countries. The resolutions were then passed on to the Advocacy committee in order to be further researched.

If you're interested in finding out more about UNA Georgetown and the work that we do, like us on Facebook at:. Members met for this hot talk to discuss the current issues in Ukraine. To view the pictures from the event, visit: On Thursday November 21, UNA Georgetown's General Assembly met to discuss current issues of cyber security, including issues such as the use of drones by the government. The second GA meeting went well, with students from around the world bringing their perspectives on this relevant issue.

The easiest way to get to it is to enter through Reynolds Hall, which is the part of the quad farthest from Leos. The room is located in the hallway to the right of the security desk inside of Reynolds.