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The level of vitriol directed at the poster here and on youtube just shows how insanely tribal people can get when money is involved. Bitcoin and litecoin are not stores of value, by definition. We have lots and lots of shitcoins and scams.

There is what many will claim should be the "true value" and then their is perceived value. I didn't even know it had this valuation until I looked tonight. With no monetary penalty for sending massive amounts of transactions, this thing is a toy.

Check this post on flagging etiquette https: I just started paying attention to crypto in the last 30 days like many, many others and was blown away by witnessing what happened with Verge. This epitomizes the market generally.

It may not seem rational, but this doesn't really matter if enough people believe that they WILL be profitable in the long term. The steem power of my accounts amounts to a clerical error on my part when I powered down "all" my steem last year, in an effort to dump steem and move from this platform. Curious to know however: Do you think it's too dangerous, poor morale or causes too much FUD in the entire crypto market? Also i kinda missed the Vertcoin pump can you explain it a bit?

As much as I like the project, it seems pretty clear that ADA is quite overvalued right now. That's an interesting question but I don't think Cardano and Raiblocks are comparable. The whitepaper fascinated me so much I was thinking about opening an account on some exchange to buy a little.

As someone who didn't get into this as a get-rich quick scheme, I'm freakin' pissed that the crap no longer works 'cause of all the normies! Hey there, I don't know too much about the technology behind all those altcoins, and to be honest I have never realized that Raiblocks even existed before this video. No fees is precisely one of the major downfalls of Raiblocks.