Vinny lingham bitcoin

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Palo AltoCaliforniaU. And for All These Reasons I'm in: Vinny Lingham is the co-founder of the Silicon Cape Initiativea Vinny lingham bitcoin African-based organization which aims to turn the Western Cape into a high-tech startup hub.

Essential Advice for Entrepreneurs. The company, Augmentors, develops an augmented reality game, and Lingham convinced them to use the blockchain technology for their game; he felt that having the money in bitcoin would be a good way for them vinny lingham bitcoin get started with the technology. Endeavor is a global non-profit that selects and supports high-impact entrepreneurs in emerging markets. InLingham started Vinny lingham bitcoina mobile gift card company, with the backing of Google Ventures.

Vinny Lingham is the co-founder vinny lingham bitcoin the Silicon Cape Initiativea South African-based organization which aims to turn the Western Cape into a high-tech startup hub. Views Read Edit View history. Palo AltoCaliforniaU. Essential Advice for Entrepreneurs.

Palo AltoCaliforniaU. InLingham started Gyfta mobile gift card company, with the backing of Google Ventures. From Wikipedia, the free vinny lingham bitcoin. In Novemberhe made news when he invested in a company on Shark Tank using bitcoin instead of dollars.

By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Essential Advice for Entrepreneurs". Palo AltoCaliforniaU.

Palo AltoCaliforniaU. And for All Vinny lingham bitcoin Reasons I'm in: InLingham started Gyfta mobile gift card company, with the backing of Google Ventures.

Retrieved from " https: Company website Personal weblog. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. From Wikipedia, vinny lingham bitcoin free encyclopedia.