32 bit odbc driver on 64 bit machine

I have seen this work when the driver does not get registered properly for some reason so it may help in this case. Try copying the adsset. I havent dealt with Advantage, but I do know other drivers which are 32bits and installed on 64 bit machines. Try installing the driver in your 32bit folder i. By posting your answer, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of service. Questions Tags Users Badges Unanswered. Server Fault is a question and answer site for system and network administrators.

I had read that document, is was that document that enabled me to set up the ODBC connections in control panel. I might be totally misunderstanding the document but the way I read it was if I can see the 32bit connections through ODBC Admin and the connections work I should be able to see them through QlikView 64bit?

I had similar issue, well not really similar, but I wasn't able to install the ODBC driver on my x64 server. More generally, when you need to use 32 bits odbc drivers, you can also install Qlikview 32 on your server and reload your referential applications via a batch so that it will use 32 bits odbc drivers.

Please enter a title. You can not post a blank message. Please type your message and try again. This can be even more confusing in Windows 8. Both odbc connection managers now have a 'platform' column that tells you which version of the driver you are using. Regardless of what this says, you still need to use the odbcad What Oracle client are you using?

I have found better success with the smaller clients and have had problems with the full thing. General Databases Windows 7.

Feb 06, 1 Minute Read.