7 days of ethereum mining with the 6 x rx 470 4gb rig

I have some Panda's myself and yes I can confirm some of the things you mention, but hey How Can I switch chinese language into english language of pandaminer? I spend a lot of time unsucessfully. Oh man classic you continued to get screwed by this company. I'm an engineer and I have to buy certain electronics from China and they never match the advertisement or pictures. We go into knowing it and being prepared to have to mod the product to meet our needs.

There is a reason why companies produce products in Mexico instead of China! This was ordered through their april pre-sale, i bought it brand new, second hand though. Good thing about building your own is you can sell the parts off if you want and recoup some money invested.

I doubt anyone will buy used panda miners once the new GPU's are hashing much higher. Thanks for the review! It would be nice if at some point for the listeners that we can hear your review without the loud noise ;-. My configuration would be: Wyatt Gillette 3 2. I'm simply thinking about a single 6 GPU Restart every minute I need help from anyone.. My ethereum mining rig having 6 Rx cards, get restart every minute, When I reduce Mhs of few cards it keep running for some time Pls give me suggestions ,How can I Claymore dual miner details Can anyone tell me more about what is exactly shown in the image below.

Darko Todorovski 4. Can my rig setup guy somehow cheat me and transfer some of the mining cash to his wallet?

I am new with the mining thing and I have a question to ask regarding this. I have a guy that setup my rigs home and i want to be sure if he did the right thing or if somehow he is cheating me. I saw that one has a Tonga chipset and one has an Antigua Pro. Is Ti good for mining ETH? The problem is that I can't find any comparison of hashrate for this card The motherboard also has an Intel Been running stable for some time on 9. How about that mining rig?