Ax 2012 general ledger transactions to fact has encountered an error

Yet, when using this functionality in a live environment you will quickly encounter several issues that considerably limit the usability of this feature. As an example, customer transactions, fixed asset transactions, project related transactions, sales tax information and alike cannot be uploaded without making some enhancements to the standard Excel add-in feature. Within this and the following blog post I will introduce how those enhancements can be implemented to make the Excel add-in feature more applicable in your daily work.

Setup standard Excel add-in for uploading General Ledger transactions Step 1: Activate the inbound port Thereafter, you have to ensure that the LedgerService inbound port is activated.

Please see the next screenshots. Setup Excel template for upload After the previous steps have been finalized, you can set up the Excel template that is required for uploading the data. Next, setup the journal header by dragging and dropping the required fields from the Ledger journal table. Once you setup the journal header ax 2012 general ledger transactions to fact has encountered an error, the journal line template fields can be setup similarly by dragging and dropping the required fields into the Excel sheet.

Rather than setting up your own template, you can make use of the Microsoft template that ships with Dynamics AX. If you plan to use the Microsoft template in a live environment, please ask your system administrator for details where this file can be ax 2012 general ledger transactions to fact has encountered an error. Shortcomings of the standard Excel add-in for uploading General Ledger Transactions Once you have finished setting up your template, add the header and line data and publish ax 2012 general ledger transactions to fact has encountered an error your data into Dynamics AX.

In my example the upload failed because the standard General Ledger Excel add-in does not support all transaction types; in my case, the customer transaction recorded in the third line of my Excel template. The following screenshot shows you the error message generated. What you can identify from this message is that the standard Excel upload does only support ledger, bank and vendor transactions.

Enhancing the standard Excel add-in for uploading General Ledger Transactions To overcome the problem illustrated before, I made a change to the LedgerJournalTransType class to ensure that all account types that I need are accepted. A second major shortcoming of the standard Excel add-in is that important fields required for generating ledger postings are not available in the field section of the Excel template. As an example, the standard Excel add-in does not provide users the possibility to select and upload sales tax information, invoice information, due date information and alike.

Luckily, there is also a solution for this issue available. The solution consists of dragging and dropping the required fields from the LedgerJournalTrans table into the AxdLedgerGeneralJournal query. Please see the following screenshot for an example. Once you have added ax 2012 general ledger transactions to fact has encountered an error additional account types and fields required for preparing and uploading your transactions, you have to a generate a full CIL, b refresh the AIF services in the AIF services form that can be accessed from the AOT and c de-activate and re-activate the LedgerService in the System administration module.

After you have gone through all those steps and open Excel again, you can identify and select the fields that you have added to the AxdLedgerGeneralJournal query. Please see the next screenshot. Additional tips and tricks At the end of this post I want to provide you some additional tips ax 2012 general ledger transactions to fact has encountered an error might help you when using the Excel add-in for uploading General Ledger transactions:.

Use a filter similar to the one illustrated in the next screen-print to ensure that Excel does not update and show you all previously posted General ledger transactions. That is because such an update might require some time. When doing that, copy and paste the transactions into the second line of the Excel template as illustrated in the next screenshot. The underlying reason is that the Excel add-in does often not upload the first line that is pasted from a different source into the Excel upload template.

This often happens if the rounding of your data in Excel differs from the rounding that Dynamics AX applies. Rather than deleting the General Ledger journal and trying to fix ax 2012 general ledger transactions to fact has encountered an error issue in the Excel template, try using the post and transfer option that transfers the sticky transactions into a new General Ledger journal.

When Dynamics AX is doing this posting transfer, the Dynamics AX rounding rules are applied and usually you can post the transferred transaction in the newly created journal without any other issue. Summary To sum up, the illustrated Excel add-in enhancements allow you preparing and uploading almost all kind of transactions from Excel to Dynamics AX.

You can thus use the Excel add-in e. When doing that, please be aware of the following pitfalls:. Hello Lally, Using the Excel Add-in for data migration purposes does not make much sense in my opinion. Yet, the Excel Add-in might be a good choice for many accountants for example to regularly upload HR costs.

That is because many companies do their payroll accounting outside of AX and often receive the data in form of a CSV file that they can easily be copy into an Excel template and uploaded to AX. DIXF might also be a good choice in this case. Hope this answers your question. You are commenting using your WordPress.

You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. Additional tips and tricks At the end of this post I want to provide you some additional tips that might help you when using the Excel add-in for uploading General Ledger transactions: When doing that, please be aware of the following pitfalls: General Ledger journals do not have an invoice number check.

As a result, users might post the same invoice numbers several times without noticing it. Despite the fact that you can post customer revenue transactions in General Ledger journals, those journals do not provide you the possibility to print tax compliant customer invoice documents without making further system adjustments. Changes in your account structures require setting up new Excel templates. Making adjustments to existing templates usually does not work. Do not try to upload mass data.

Within the next blog post I will show you how this pitfall can be fixed. Thanks for the Ludwig. Can i know the reason that why are you suggesting to go with Excel? Best regards, Ludwig Like Like Reply. This is a great article on the subject!!! This is the most helpful posting I have found regarding this topic. Thank you so much Like Like Reply.

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