Bank of america bitcoin is the most crowded trade

Long term the price can't help but rise. I think you are right that crowded doesn't necessarily mean the same thing for Bitcoin. They are trying to create FUD to drive the price down so they can buy more! I believe bitcoin will burst, not in the near future.

How was the survey conducted? I mean the market cap for Bitcoins pales in comparison to the market cap for the Nasdaq. Isn't that the long-term trend with bitcoin?

The words of the CEO of J. Stay informed my friends. In my opinion, Bitcoin will go up again. Because there was it again. Makerdao is trying to achieve this.

I'm sure there still a little ways for the Bitcoin bandwagon to go! The future of bank transfers is slowly getting to an end. Anyways, great and informative post! I am sure they are using this power to manipulate bitcoin.

If there are incomprehensible expression, wrong expression, I am happy if you can point it out. Basically, the goal of the survey is to talk to the who's who of global finance and get their opinion. It's starting to get old and people are finally realizing that it's all Fakenews.

I doubt cryptocurrency is any different. Almost every Cryptocurrency follow BTC currently. Bubble will blow once, but potential of cryptocurrencies is high and it means they will cost a significant amount in the future: The implications are that any time you get too many people on one side of a trade, it doesn't take much to disrupt the apple cart and get people running for the hills as prices reverse, often dramatically.

But It's interests of the same miners to keep bitcoin free from manipulation to ensure that its value increases in in the coming years. The words of the CEO of J. The reason is why it is disconnected from the monetary policies of the various Central Banks and this makes it a currency free from manipulations.

My advice is to fasten your seatbelt and enjoy the ride down. I use translation software. Morgan to knock down the Bitcoin tonight https:

I use translation software. These a hole analysts are working for the system that is responsible for trillion in global debt! The words of the CEO of J. It is natural for a banker to resist a competitor,it is human nature at play here.