Batavia ny daily news obits

Important Dates September 20, Calling Hours for Sandra L. Graveside Service for Walter E. Beloved wife of William M.

Sally was a former Sunday School teacher at St. Important Dates July 28, Francis Xavier Church on Lurting Ave. Duck performing the last sad rites.

Ed is predeceased by his parents; sister, Irma F. An account of the opening scenes of this sad batavia ny daily news obits was given in the columns of the Telegram some time in June last in an article dated from Bath, which gave the particulars of a circumstance alleged to have been witnessed during a walk through "the glen", just outside this village, by the Rev. Johnson Forsberg - Bob loved music and playing his guitar. Interment Gate of Heaven Cemetery.

She also enjoyed playing euchre. Solemn Requiem Mass, 10 A. Charles was predeceased by several siblings. Betty enjoyed dancing and socializing. In earlier years, Barbara was a teacher for students with learning disabilities.

Hyser, Noted Dentist Rites for Dr. She will be deeply missed. Sullivan was often consulted by lawyers and accountants about estates, his specialty.

Brainerd on December 2, Private burial will be in St. She was a longtime member of the Castile United Church of Christ where she was a member of the church choir.

Funeral service for Betty J. Gregory was employed as a power sport technician at State 8 Motorcycles in Medina, Ohio. Uveino's Guest Book William E.

Calling hours for Marie C. Red was an avid outdoorsman who enjoyed fishing and hunting. Calling Hours for Eugene H. Harold was predeceased by his wife, Elizabeth Cross Harrison who died on April 24,

Mary Jane attended St. Youngblood's Guest Book George R. Leona was predeceased by her husband, George Lanpher, Sr.

Dress casual and bring your stories. Leach, 36, manager of the Riverhead, L. Anne was predeceased by her husband, Gary R. Lillian was predeceased by her husband, Clifford M.