Bitcoin auction silk road

The US Marshals have set the date for an auction of Bitcoins seized in the takedown of the Silk Road market and its aftermath.

The Marshal Service says it will be auctioning off a block of 2, Ulbricht was ultimately given life in prison for multiple counts of drug trafficking, fraud, money laundering, and running a criminal operation, while Force is serving 6.

The Bitcoins to be sold off in the auction have actually been taken from 12 different cases where the government seized the cryptocurrency as evidence in criminal, civil, and administrative cases.

In order to participate in the August 22 auction, prospective bidders will have to complete their registration by noon Eastern time on August Those outside of the US are welcome to participate in bitcoin auction silk road auction so long as they are not on the Treasury Department's "Specially Designated Nationals" list. The auction itself will be a blind process, meaning those who make an offer for the Bitcoins will not be able to see the winning bid.

The auction will take place between 8 AM and 2 PM Eastern time on August 22, after which time the bid will be closed, the winner notified, and deposits to all other bidders returned. The Register - Independent news and views for the tech community.

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