Bitcoin chart bitfinex

Thanks for all the feedback. Added a th1btc orderbook pagealso a temporary TH1 Swap page. A very minimal version of the site.

Basically it is the landing page but optomised for small screen devices. So for now a incomplete page Big thanks to the Bitfinex team for providing me with bitcoin chart bitfinex swap transaction data! For now I've relaunched the bitcoin chart bitfinex, but you'll notice there will be data missing and performance will be a lot slower. Just check out the pages and I think it will be more or less self explanatory when you see them.

Big bitcoin chart bitfinex to the Bitfinex team for providing me with the swap transaction data! The content on this website is subject to change at any time without notice, and is provided as an educational service for the sole purpose of assisting traders to make independent investment decisions. See it in action here. BFXdata is on twitter:

Check the calculator menu entry and the help secction for more information. See it in action here August 28, BFXdata has a new landing page. I've added 3 new pages to bfxdata. The android app and the mobile site will display bitcoin chart bitfinex updates now. Just keep in mind I do this for fun.

Old address will also remain reachable. Last night my bitcoin chart bitfinex hosting provider decided my website uses too much resources too often I've just addeda FRR Swap calculator to bfxdata. The content on this website is subject to change at any time without notice, and is provided as an educational service for the sole purpose of assisting traders to make independent investment decisions.

The android app and the mobile site will display live updates now. Just added a new page with a collection of csv-files. Also I did some server tuning, pages should load a bit faster now. Made a mobile friendly bitcoin chart bitfinex similar to the android app.