Bitcoin client update

Bitcoin Core now has more flexibility in where the wallets directory can be located. HD-wallets by default Due to a backward-incompatible change in the wallet database, wallets created with version 0. The addresses field remains present bitcoin client update non-segwit addresses for backward compatibility.

Wallets created in 0. Bitcoin client update ensures that everything that descends from an invalid block is marked as such. This overview includes changes that affect external behavior, not code moves, refactors or string updates.

Open files read only if requested Elbandi 46d1ebf Document partial validation in Bitcoin client update sdaftuar c Make all script validation flags backward compatible sipa f Add a CChainState class to validation. Fix launchctl not being able to stop bitcoin client update OmeGak 6e4e98e Perform a weaker subtree check in Travis sipa [build] Add a script for installing db4 jamesob dd Prefix leveldb debug logging laanwj 24df9af Add -debuglogfile option laanwj c17f11f Shell script cleanups practicalswift a1f Test datadir specified in conf file exists MeshCollider dd Rename rpcuser. This includes the ability to send to BIP addresses including non-v0 onesand generating these addresses including as default new addresses, see above. Validateaddress improvements The validateaddress RPC output has been extended with a few new fields, and support for segwit addresses both P2SH and Bech

If you are running an older version, shut it down. The first time you run version 0. The behavior is now:.

Bitcoin Core version 0. As well as everyone that helped translating on Transifex. Support for segwit in those RPCs will continue to be added in future versions.

Downgrade warning Because release 0. An initialblockdownload boolean has been added to the getblockchaininfo RPC to indicate whether the node is currently in IBD or not. Windows XP is not supported.