Bitcoin commands getinfojob
Listing the bitcoin addresses in your wallet is easily done via listreceivedbyaddress. It normally lists only addresses which already have received transactions, however you can list all the addresses by setting the first argument to 0, and the second one to true. Accounts are used to organize addresses. Bitcoin API call list as of version 0. Retrieved from " https: Technical Developer Bitcoin Core documentation.
Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in. Views Read View source View history. Sister projects Essays Source. This page was last edited on 23 Octoberat Content is available under Creative Commons Attribution 3. Privacy policy About Bitcoin Wiki Disclaimers. Add a nrequired-to-sign multisignature address to the wallet. Each key is a bitcoin address bitcoin commands getinfojob hex-encoded public key.
If [account] is specified, assign address to [account]. Returns a string containing the address. Returns the current bitcoin address for receiving payments to this account. If [account] is not specified, returns the server's total available balance. If [account] is specified, returns the balance in the account.
Returns data needed to construct a block to work bitcoin commands getinfojob. Returns an object containing mining-related information: Returns a new bitcoin address for receiving payments. Bitcoin commands getinfojob [account] is specified payments received with the address will be credited to [account].
This is for use with raw transactions, NOT normal use. Returns the total amount received by addresses with [account] in transactions with at least [minconf] confirmations. If [account] not bitcoin commands getinfojob return will include all transactions to all accounts. It correctly handles the case where bitcoin commands getinfojob has sent to the address in multiple transactions.
Keep in mind that addresses are only ever used for receiving transactions. Works only for addresses in the local wallet, external addresses will always show 0. Returns an object about the given transaction containing: If [data] is not specified, returns formatted hash data to work on: Adds a private key as returned by dumpprivkey to your wallet.
Bitcoin commands getinfojob may take a while, as a rescan is done, looking for existing transactions. Optional [rescan] parameter added in 0. Returns an array of objects containing: Get all transactions in blocks since block [blockhash], or all transactions if omitted. Returns up to [count] most recent transactions skipping the first [from] transactions for account [account].
If [account] bitcoin commands getinfojob provided it'll return recent transactions from all accounts. Will send the given amount to the given address, ensuring the account has a valid balance using [minconf] confirmations. Sets the account associated with the given address. Assigning address that is already assigned to the same account will create a new address associated with that account. Generation is limited to [genproclimit] processors, -1 is unlimited.
Bitcoin commands getinfojob the wallet encryption key from memory, locking the wallet. After calling this method, you will need to call walletpassphrase again before being able bitcoin commands getinfojob call any methods which require the wallet to be unlocked.
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