Bitcoin linux folder rename file

The minimum version for the Clang compiler is still 3. This would allow pruned nodes to serve the most recent blocks. However, the current change does not yet include support for connecting to these pruned peers. In previous versions they were enabled using the --enable-experimental-asm flag when building, but are now the default and no longer deemed experimental. A new RPC rescanblockchain has been added to manually invoke a blockchain rescan.

The RPC supports start and end-height arguments for the rescan, and can be used in a multiwallet environment to rescan the blockchain at runtime. Safe mode is a feature that disables a subset of RPC calls - mostly related to the wallet and sending - automatically in case certain problem conditions with the network are detected.

However, developers have come to regard these checks as not reliable enough to act on automatically. Even with safe mode disabled, they will still cause warnings in the warnings field of the getneworkinfo RPC and launch the -alertnotify command. The value for embedded includes much of the information validateaddress would report if invoked directly on the embedded address. This is a replacement for the existing addresses field which reports the same information but encoded as P2PKH addresses , represented in a more useful and less confusing way.

The addresses field remains present for non-segwit addresses for backward compatibility. In particular, this means that invoking validateaddress on the output of getnewaddress will always report the pubkey , even when the address type is P2SH-P2WPKH. As well as everyone that helped translating on Transifex. Bitcoin Core version 0. Please report bugs using the issue tracker at GitHub: Downgrading warning Wallets created in 0.

Compatibility Bitcoin Core is extensively tested on multiple operating systems using the Linux kernel, macOS This means that downgrading after creating a segwit address will work, as long as the wallet file is up to date. All segwit keys in the wallet get an implicit redeemscript added, without it being written to the file. This means recovery of an old backup will work, as long as you use new software. All keypool keys that are seen used in transactions explicitly get their redeemscripts added to the wallet files.

This means that downgrading after recovering from a backup that includes a segwit address will work Note that some RPCs do not yet support segwit addresses. HD-wallets by default Due to a backward-incompatible change in the wallet database, wallets created with version 0.

Wallets directory configuration -walletdir Bitcoin Core now has more flexibility in where the wallets directory can be located.

The behavior is now: For existing nodes where the data directory already exists , wallets will be stored in the data directory root by default. Minimum GCC bumped to 4.

The option to reuse a previous address has now been removed. Support for searching by TXID has been added, rather than just address and label.

A toggle for unblinding the password fields on the password dialog has been added. Validateaddress improvements The validateaddress RPC output has been extended with a few new fields, and support for segwit addresses both P2SH and Bech Low-level changes The deprecated RPC getinfo was removed. It is recommended that the more specific RPCs are used: The wallet RPC addwitnessaddress was deprecated and will be removed in version 0.

The RPC getblockchaininfo now includes an errors field. A new blockhash parameter has been added to the getrawtransaction RPC which allows for a raw transaction to be fetched from a specific block if known, even without -txindex enabled. The decoderawtransaction and fundrawtransaction RPCs now have optional iswitness parameters to override the heuristic witness checks if necessary.

Using addresses with the createmultisig RPC is now deprecated, and will be removed in a later version. Public keys should be used instead.

The logging RPC has now been made public rather than hidden. An initialblockdownload boolean has been added to the getblockchaininfo RPC to indicate whether the node is currently in IBD or not. The -usehd option has been removed. Segwit is now always active in regtest mode by default. Failure to do this will result in a CheckBlockIndex assertion failure that will look like: Open files read only if requested Elbandi 46d1ebf Document partial validation in ConnectBlock sdaftuar c Make all script validation flags backward compatible sipa f Add a CChainState class to validation.

Options benma 9d31ed2 Split resolve out of connect theuni fef65c4 Ignore getheaders requests for very old side blocks jimpo 5aeaa9c addrman: This screen gives you to option to store data in the default location or a custom location.

Select the second option. Bitcoin Core should continue starting up. When the process completes, the software should work exactly as it did before. When ready to proceed to the next step, close the application. At this point your system contains two more or less identical copies of the data directory. Assuming there were no issues with the move, the original can now be deleted.

Browse to the location of the bitcoin-backup directory and delete it. Users of Armory on Mac face a tricky problem when trying to move the Bitcoin Core data directory. Armory only recognizes the default data directory on OS X. Moving it means that Armory will no longer function. Fortunately, the solution is relatively simple. Create a symbolic link from the new data directory to the old default directory. Creating this link allows the new data directory to be used as if it still resided at the old location.

Begin by launching the Terminal application. Instead of pulling the data directory out from under Bitcoin Core and then supplying a new path after startup, the data directory can be passed as the command line parameter datadir. This approach keeps the existing default data directory intact.

It also allows multiple data directories to be used side-by-side. Windows users can create a shortcut that uses the command line option datadir. Doing so directs Bitcoin Core to use, not the default data directory, but the one given as a parameter. Browse to the location of the Bitcoin Core executable C: Next, add the command line option datadir , using the path to your data directory.

Double clicking the newly-created shortcut will direct Bitcoin Core to use the new data directory. This places a shortcut on the desktop. Double clicking the resulting shortcut starts Bitcoin Core with the custom data directory. Although a similar shortcut-based approach will work on OS X, creating a clickable icon is much more difficult. Copy the Data Directory Having found the default data directory, we can now copy it. Delete the Original Data Directory At this point your system contains two more or less identical copies of the data directory.

Command Line Parameter Instead of pulling the data directory out from under Bitcoin Core and then supplying a new path after startup, the data directory can be passed as the command line parameter datadir. Conclusions Moving the Bitcoin Core data directory can be helpful in two situations: Was this post useful? Get my newsletter direct to your inbox for free. No spam, just great content like this.