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But you might feel that allowing a site to use a little bit of your computer's processing power is a better alternative to being bombarded with advertising. What should we do? This can be accompanied by a large battery drain. Boy with autism attacked by spanner-wielding teens outside school Outrage over death of French woman mocked by emergency operators Council tears up 'handball court' after residents complain bitcoin mining hardware australia news noisy children 'Are we serious? Websites and apps that don't charge you for their services are often collecting your data or bombarding you with advertising.

Cryptojacking involves using someone's computer without their knowledge, perhaps for just seconds at a time, to mine a cryptocurrency. Boy with autism attacked by spanner-wielding teens outside school Outrage over death of French woman mocked by emergency operators Council tears up 'handball bitcoin mining hardware australia news after residents complain about noisy children 'Are we serious? This is often done using a commercially available piece of software, such as Coinhivewhich can be written into what looks like an ad using the common website language JavaScript.

Time to rug up — south-east Australia is about to get cold, wet and windy Four MPs, bitcoin mining hardware australia news senator gone as citizenship drama claims more victims Find out if you're a winner or a loser in this year's budget 'Are we serious? Units of cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin aren't created by a central bank like regular money but are generated or "mined" by computers solving complex equations. Boy with autism attacked by spanner-wielding teens outside school Outrage over death of French bitcoin mining hardware australia news mocked by emergency operators Council tears up 'handball court' after residents complain about noisy children 'Are we serious? If you want to prevent your computer from being cryptojacked you need a software tool which checks the code as it runs, such as an ad-blocker. Perhaps you're asking yourself the wrong question.

Editorial Policies Read about our editorial guiding principles and the enforceable standard our journalists follow. This means the website or internet provider doing the cryptojacking can mine cryptocurrency with little cost to themselves. What it's really like answering triple-0 calls.